Page:Bhagavad Gita - Annie Besant 4th edition.djvu/57

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The Blessed Lord said:

In this world there is a twofold path, as I before said, O sinless one: that of yoga by knowledge, of the Sâñkhyas; and that of yoga by action, of the Yogis. (3)

न कर्मणामनारम्भान्नैष्कर्म्यं पुरुषोऽश्नुते ।

न च संन्यसनादेव सिद्धिं समधिगच्छति ॥ ४ ॥

Man winneth not freedom from action by abstaining from activity, nor by mere renunciation doth he rise to perfection. (4)

न हि कश्चित्क्षणमपि जातु तिष्ठत्यकर्मकृत् ।

कार्यते ह्यवशः कर्म सर्वः प्रकृतिजैर्गुणैः ॥ ५ ॥

Nor can anyone, even for an instant, remain really actionless; for helplessly is everyone driven to action by the qualities[1] born of nature[2]. (5)

कर्मेन्द्रियाणि संयम्य य आस्ते मनसा स्मरन् ।

इन्द्रियार्थान्विमूढात्मा मिथ्याचारः स उच्यते ॥ ६ ॥

  1. Gunas.
  2. Prakriti.