Page:Bianca, or, The Young Spanish Maiden (Toru Dutt).djvu/10

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know her already!" "Yes I met her once or twice. I know her brother a little."

Miss Moore came running to her friend. "Now Bianca," said she, kissing her in her warm girlish way, I have a bone to pick with you. You haven't come to see us for a long time." Then seeing Mr. Ingram, she gave him her hand, then turning again to her friend. "When will you come? You know Colin is away in London; and the house is so dull without him. Mamma keeps me at lessons. Will you come tomorrow Bianca. Say, yes" "Yes Maggie." "There’s my own darling old Bianca. Good bye. Come early." And with a nod to Mr. Ingram she disappeared.

At the door Ingrain shook bands with Bianca. "You won’t come in?" "No, not to-day." Then after a slight pause and reddening. "Bianca, I behaved like a fool to-day, in asking you such a question. You forgive me, don't you?" She nodded merrily; "I am glad you see it." "It seems natural to you to be sister Bianca to every body. So goodbye sister Bianca." "Goodbye Walter."

In the evening as she was sitting out in the garden with her father, she told him all. "Father, Ingram was wanting to marry me to-day." He turned to her; "Indeed" said he, and the remembrance of Inez came to him. "Yes father, and I refused him." "You did well, child; he is a worthy boy, very good and frank; but I would not like you to marry him; he was well matched with Inez I should have given her to him gladly; but I look for a different man for you." She smiled, pleased, at these words. "But I will never marry father. Life is full of care, and the lonelier you are, the easier is it to live and die." "True, very true, in one sense." And her father sighed. After a pause he said. "And so the lad wanted to marry you! He did not love my Inez then?" "In his own way, he did; he is very good, but he is not very steady. He is impressionable." After another pause he murmured half to himself

Ah! dear, but come thou back to me

Whatever change the years have wrought