Page:Bianca, or, The Young Spanish Maiden (Toru Dutt).djvu/41

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The dark blood had suffused her cheeks and forehead; her eyes were bright and happy.

"In truth fair Montague, I am too fond."

Said she laughing, but the tears came to her eyes; "I am so happy, that they will come" said she half-ashamed and wiping them away hastily. "For Montague's sake then, my lord," said she with a childish gesture, smiling; he kissed her on the mouth, nothing loth. When her father came in, she turned to him with a frank yet bashful smile; "Lord Moore has told me all, my father." And she pressed Garcia’s hand in her own, She bade her take her breakfast, and was only half-pleased as she only drank a single cup of tea, and sent away the tray. "What!" he cried, "is that what you call, a breakfast!" "Indeed,father, I cannot eat any more to-day; you know that when one is excited, solid food seems to stick in one’s throat" "Nonsense !Then you must not be excited. Rest and proper nourishment are the only things to set you up again!" "At luncheon, father I am not hungry now, and cannot take any thing more at present.”

Chapter VII.

"I cannot think what can be the matter with Henry, he seems quite changed and happy of late." The speaker was Lady Moore, the listener was Mr. Owen. My lady had a strong regard for his good sense and latterly that feeling had been increased by Mr. Owen’s regularly attending my lady’s weekly prayer-meeting; for my lady was a 'dévote.'" Depend on it madam, he is in love"—was the laconic answer, then looking around, "I hope innocent little Miss Margaret is not hidden somewhere." "No. She is too far off to be able to hear Mr. Owen. She is gone to see her dear friend, Miss Garcia." There was a pause. "So Miss Margaret has followed her brother's example and fallen in love with the gipsy queen!" He laughed a forced hard laugh. My lady wondered at the acuteness of Mr. Owen. "You seem to know everything, Mr. Owen." "I always keep my eyes open, Lady Moore; and if I may speak out; I see this