Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT1, 1609).djvu/1082

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Chap. I.

Holie Iob offereth sacrifice for euerie one of his children, 6. whose good estate Satan enuying, by Gods permission spoyleth him of al his goodes, and children, 20. for which he being pensiue offendeth not, but thanketh God for al.

THere was a man in the Land of Hus, named Iob, & that man was ″ simple, & right, and fearing God, and departing from euil. 2And there were borne to him seuen sonnes and three daughters. 3And his possession was seuen thousand sheepe, and three thousand camels, also fiue hundred yoke of oxen and fiue hundred she asses, and a familie exceding great: and that man was great among al them of the East. 4And his sonnes went, and made a feast by houses, euerie one in his day. And sending they called their three sisters, to eate and drinke with them. 5And when the dayes of feasting had passed about in course, Iob sent to them, and sanctified them: and rising vp early ″ offered holocaustes for euerie one. For he sayd: Lest perhaps my sonnes haue sinned, and haue blessed God in their hartes. So did Iob al the dayes. 6But on a certaine day when the sonnes of God were come to assist before our Lord, ∷[1] Satan also was present amongst them. 7To whom our Lord sayd: From whence comest thou? Who answering, sayd: I haue gone round about the earth, and walked through it. 8And our Lord sayd to him: Hast thou considered my seruant Iob, that there is not the like to him in the earth, a man simple, and right and fearing God, and departing from euil.? 9To whom Satan answering, said: Why, doth Iob feare God in vayne? 10hast not thou sensed him, and his house, and al his substance round about, blessed the workes of his handes, and his possession hath increased on the earth? 11But stretch forth thy hand a little, and touch al thinges that he possesseth, vnlesse he blesse thee in the face. 12Our Lord therfore sayd to Satan: ∷[2] behold, al things that he hath, are in thy hand, onlie vpon him extend not thy hand. And Satan went forth from the


  1. Diuels appeare not in Gods sight, but sometime in presence of Angels which represent God S. Athan. q. 8. ad Antiochean.
  2. God doth not directly send evils but permitteth them to happen to his seruantes.