Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT1, 1609).djvu/1103

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The booke

ouer him, shal be extinguished. 7The steppes of his power shal be straytened, and his owne counsel shal cast him downe headlong. 8For he hath thrust his feete into a nette, and walketh in the mashes therof. 9The sole of his foote shal be held in a snare, and thirst shal burne against him. 10His ginne is hid in the earth, and his spring vpon the path. 11Feares shal terrifie him on euerie side, and his feete shal entangle him. 12Let his strength be extenuated with famine, and let hunger inuade his ribbes. 13Let it deuoure the beautie of his skinne, let death the firstborne consume his armes. 14Let his confidence be plucked away out of his tabernacle, and let destruction as a king tread vpon him. 15Let the companions of him, that is not, dwel in his tabernacle, let brinston be sprinkled in his tent. 16Let his rootes be dried downward, and his haruest destroyed vpward. 17Let the memorie of him perish from the earth, and let not his name be renowmed in the streates. 18He shal expel him out of light into darkenesse, and shal transport him out of the world. 19His seed shal not be, nor his progenie in his people, nor anie remnantes in his countries. 20In his daie the last shal be astonied, and horrour shal inuade the first. 21These are then the tabernacles of the wicked man, and this is the place of him that knoweth not God.

Chap. XIX.

Iob lamenteth of his freindes crueltie, 6 affirmeth that his so great affliction is not for his sinnes. 25. and comforteth himself with his vndoubted belief of the Resurrection.

BUt Iob answering, sayd: 2How long doe you afflict my soule, and weare me with wordes? 3Behold, ten times you counfound me, and are not ashamed oppressing me. 4For although I haue beene ignorant, mine ignorance shal be with me. 5But you are set vp against me, and reproue me with my reproches. 6At the least now vnderstand ye, that God hath afflicted me ∷[1] not with equal iudgement, and hath compassed me with his scourges. 7Behold I shal crie suffering violence, and no man wil heare: I shal crie out, and there is none to iudge. 8He hath hedged my path round about, and I can not passe, and in my way hath put darkenesse. 9He hath spoiled me of my glorie, and hath taken the crowne from my head. 10He hath destroved me on euerie side, and I perish, and as it were from a tree plucked hath he taken away my hope. 11His


  1. Blessed Iob (saith S. Gregorie li. 24. c. 16. 17.) looking sincerly on his owne life, saw that his affliction was greater then his sinnes deserued and in that respect was not equal: yet it was iust, for God, being iust geueth a iust reward: a crowne of iustice as S. Paul speaketh of himself (2. Tim. 4.)