Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT1, 1609).djvu/34

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good, and either auoideth or disposeth of euil which he suffereth, by ordinarie meanes, as appeareth Act. 27, v. 31. and that because man hath free will, with* which God concurreth, & destroyeth not nor forceth. as S. Augustin teacheth.

24. Placed Cherubins] Man being cast out of paradise, the same is defended with duble gard. with Angels, that are watchful, wise, and potent; and with fire and sword, most terrible armoure to man. wherby againe we see, that God vseth ordinarie meanes in his prouidence, as the ministrie of Angels & humane terror, and would neither destroy the tree, nor depriue it of the vertue to prolong life, nor bereue man of freewil, by which he might desire to returne: but conseruing nature in al creatures, preuenteth inconueniences otherwise.

These Angels also hinder the diuel, that he can not enter paradise, lest he should take of the fruite of the tree, and geue it to men to prolong their liues, and therby draw them to his seruice.

Chap. IIII.

Wicked Cain killeth holie Abel. 9. whose bloud cryeth for reuenge. 11. Cain a cursed vacabond, 17. hath much issue. 25 Adam also hath Seth, and Seth Enos.

ANd Adam knewe Eue his wife: who conceiued and brought forth Cain, saying: I haue gotten a man through God. 2And againe she brought forth his brother Abel. And Abel was a shepehard, & Cain a husbandman. 3And it befel after manie dayes that Cain ″ offred of the fruites of the earth giftes to our Lord. 4Abel also ∷[1] offred of the first begotten of his flocke, and of their fat: and our Lord ″ had respect to Abel, & to his giftes. 5But to Cain, and to his giftes he had not respect: & Cain was exceeding angrie, and his countenance abated. 6And our Lord said to him: Why art thou angrie? and why is thy countinance fallen? 7If thou doe wel, ″ shalt thou not receiue againe: but if thou doest il, shal not thy sinne forth with be present at the dore? but the lust therof shal be ″ vnder thee, and thou shalt haue dominion ouer it.

8And Caine said to Abel his brother: Let vs goe forth abroad. And when they were in the filde, Caine rose vp against his brother Abel, and slewe him. 9And our Lord said to Cain: Where is Abel thy brother? Who answered: I know not: am I my brothers keper? 10And he said to him: What hast thou done? ∷[2] the voice of thy brothers bloud crieth to me out of, the earth. 11 Now therfore cursed shalt thou be vpon the earth, which hath opened her mouth, & receiued the bloud of thy brother at thy hand. 12When thou shalt til

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  1. A figure of the Lambe that was slaine from the beginning of the world. Apoc.13.v.8
  2. Wilful murder is one of the sinnes that crie to God for reuenge.