Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT1, 1609).djvu/57

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Chap. VIII.

The waters diminishing by litle and litle, 6. Noe sendeth forth a crow, 8. after him a doue, thrise: 18. lastly goeth forth with al that were with him in the arke. 20. erecteth an Altar, and offereth Sacrifice.

ANd God remembred Noe, and al the beasts, and al the cattle, which were with him in the arke, and brought a winde vpon the earth, and the waters decreased. 2And the fountaines of the depth, and the floud gates of heauen, were shut vp: and the rayne from heauen was stayd. 3And the waters returned from the earth going & comming:


and they begane to decrease after a hundred fiftie dayes. 4And the arke rested the seauenth moneth, the seauen & twentith day of the moneth vpon the mountaines of Armenia. 5But the waters for al that were going and decreasing vntil the tenth moneth: for in the tenth moneth, the first day of the moneth, the topps of the mountaines appeared. 6And after that fourtie dayes were passed, Noe opening the windowe of the arke, which he had made, let forth a crowe: 7which went forth, and did ∷[1] not returne, til the waters were dried vpon the earth. 8He sent forth also a doue after him, to see if the waters were ceased yet vpon the face of the earth. 9Which finding not where her foote might rest, returned to him into the arke: for the waters were vpon the whole earth: and he stretched forth his hand, and caught her and brought her into the arke. 10And hauing expected yet seauen moe dayes, againe he let forth a doue out of the arke. 11But she came to him at euentide, carrying a bough of an oliue tree, that had greene leaues in her mouth. Noe therfore vnderstood that the waters were ceased vpon the earth. 12And he expected yet neuertheles other seauen dayes: and he sent forth a doue, which returned not any more vnto him. 13Therfore in the sixt hundred and one yeare, the first moneth, the first day of the moneth the waters were cleane diminished vpon the earth: and Noe opening the roofe of the arke, looked, and sawe that the face of the earth was dried. 14In ∷[2] the second moneth, the seuen & twentyth day of the moneth the earth was dried. 15And God spake to Noe, saying:


  1. The crowe returned not into the arke, but (as appeareth by the Hebrew text) going and returning rested vpon the arke.
  2. They entred into the arke the 17. day, the secōd moneth of the other yeare: so they remained there 12. monethes and tenne dayes.