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it was decreed that al should kepe it. And so peace was made. Neuertheles it was abolished when the cause ceassed. As S. Augustin declareth against Faustus the Manichee. Sach is the authoritie of the Church to decree, and againe to disanul an obseruation of a thing of it selfe indifferent.

21. Drunke] Noe sinned not, by the common iudgement of ancient Fathers, in that he was ouercome with wine, because he knew not the force therof, hauing drunck only water al his life before. But this external rebuke, and worldlie disgrace happened to Noe, in figure of Christ naked on the Crosse. As S. Cyprian (Epist. 63. ad Cœcilium) S. Augustin (li. 16. de ciuit. c. 2. & li. 12. contra Faustum Manicheum. c. 23. & 24) Eucherius, Repertus and others (vpon this place) do teach. And likwise that Sem and Iapheth were a figure of the Church consisting of Iewes and Gentiles, and Cham of Heretikes, and other Infidels, that deride the infirmities, which our Sauiour sustayned. Goe to now (yee Manichees, saith S. Augustin) obiect calumnies to the ancient holie Scriptures, doe so, yee children of Cham, to whom naked flesh semeth vile; by which your selues were begotten. For neither could yee by anie meanes haue benne called Christians, except Christs as he was fortold by the Prophetes, had come into the world, had drunck that cuppe of his vinyard, which could not passe from him, had slept in his passion, as in drunkennes of folie (which is wiser then men) and so the infirmitie of mortal flesh (which is stronger then men) had become naked, by the secret counsel of God, which infirmitie vnles the WORD OF GOD had taken vpon him, the very name Christian, wherof yee also glorie, had not benne at al in the earth.

25. Cursed be Chanaan] Why Chanaan the sonne is cursed, and not his father Cham, diuers yeld diuers reasons. S. Theodoretus reporteth out of the Hebrew Doctors, that Chanaan a boy first saw his grandfathers nakednes, and told the same to his father, and so they both derided that they should haue couered, Chams other sonnes not offending, and therfore not his whole progenie but only Chanaan & his posteritie were here cursed by Noe. S. Chrisostome supposeth that for so much as God had blessed Noe & his three sonnes coming forth of the Arke, he could not presume to curse anie of those, whom God had blessed, therfore cursed Chanaan who in wickednes was like to his father. S. Gregorie bringeth this, for example of wicked men, escaping punishment in this life, and are punished in the next, and in their posteritie, folowing their vices. What meaneth it (saith he) that Cham sinning, Chanaan his sonne had sentence of reuenge, but that the Sinnes of the reprobate prosper here in this life vnreuenged, and are punished afterwards? And clere it is that Chanaans most wicked posteritie were subdued in the end, and most of them destroied by the children of Israel (who were of Sem) vnder the conduct of Iosue, according to Noes prophetical blessing of Sem, and cursing of Chanaan.

27. God enlarge] This blessing of Iapheth was literaly fulfilled, when (according to his name, which signifieth Latitude or enlargement) his plentiful issue possessed most ample countries, both in the Continent, and Ilandes. But mystically it had effect (As S. Hierom. S. Augustin. Rupertus and others expeund it) when the Apostles, being Iewes of the race of Sem, first builded the Christian Church, wherin the most part of that nation refused to dwel, contemning Christs Gospel & grace, and the fulnes of Gentiles entred in, and were made inheriters. Finally Chanaan is seruant to both Sem and Iapheth, in* that Heretikes being vnder the Iurisdiction of the Church, geathered of Iewes and Gentiles, serue to stur vp Catholiques diligence to more exact knowledge of al truth; and their patience to more merite and glorie.