Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT2, 1610).djvu/457

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behold. 17 And the loftiness of men shal be bowed, and the height of men shal be humbled; and our Lord onlie shal be exalted in that day. 18 And idols shal [1] vtterly be destroyed. 19 And they shal enter into the caues of rockes, and into the pittes of the earth from the face of the feare of our Lord, and from the glorie of his maiestie, when he shal rise vp to strike the earth. 20 In that day shal a man castaway the idols of his siluer, and the idols of his gold, which he had made him to adore, mowles and barres. 21 And he shal goe into the clefts of rockes, and into the caues of stones from the face of the feare of our Lord, and from the glorie of his maiestie, when he shal rise vp to strike the earth. 22 Cease therfore from the man, whose spirit is in his nosthrels, because he is reputed high.


The Jewes shal be deprived of wise men, 4. and be subject to childish, and effeminate governers, 8. for their grevous sinnes. 16. The proud, curious, and lascivious attyre of their wemen. 24. shal be turned into ingominie and sorow.

FOR behold the dominatour the Lord of hostes [2] shal take away from Jerusalem, and from Juda the valiant and the strong, al strength of bread, and al strength of water. 2 The strong, and the man of warre, the judge, and the prophete, and southsayer, and the ancient. 3 The prince over fiftie, and the honorable of countenance, and the counseler, and the wise of workemasters, and the skilful of mystical speach. 4 And I wil geve children to be their princes, and the effeminate shal rule over them. 5 And the people shal rush violently, man against man, and everie one against his neighbour: the childe shal make tumult against the ancient, and the base against the noble. 6 For a man shal take hold of his brother, one of the house of his father: Thou hast a garment, be thou our prince, and let this ruine be under thy hand. 7 He shal answer in that day; saying: I am no physicion, & in my house there is no bread, nor garment: do not appoint me prince of the people. 8 For Jerusalem is gone to ruine, and Juda is fallen: because their tongue, & their inventions were against our Lord, to provoke the eyes of his majestie. 9 The knowledge of their face hath answered them: and they have proclaimed their sinne as Sodom, neither have they hid it: woe to their

  1. It is most absurde, and contrarie to this and other Scriptures, that Protestants feyne of great idolatrie in the Christian world, for a thousand or more yeares together, proseiling Christs name & Religion, and yet continually committing (as these new matters imagine) grosse idolatrie.
  2. This was fulfilled first in the captivitie of Babylon and more notoriously after Christs passion, in the destruction of the Jewes; even to this day: and yet forward, til here the end of this world.