Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT2, 1610).djvu/461

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is none that faynteth, nor that laboreth in them, he wil not slumber, nor sleepe, neither shal the girdle of his reines be loosed, neither shal the latchet of his shoe be broken. 28 His arrowes sharpe, and al his bowes bent. The hoofes of his horses as the flint, & his wheeles as the violence of a tempest. 29 His roaring as a lions, he shal roare as lions whelpes: and he wil gnash, and hold the praye, and claspe it, and there shal be none to plucke it away. 30 And it shal sound upon him in that day, as the sound of the sea: we shal looke towards the earth, and behold darkenes of tribulation, and the light is darkened in the mist therof.


The prophet after a glorious vision, 5. lamenteth his former silence; 6. his lippes being purified by an Angel, with a hote coal, 8. he is willingly sent & so prophecieth that the peoples hart wil be hardned, their cities shal be destroyed, but good reliques shal be conserved.

IN the yeare that king Ozias died, I saw our Lord sitting upon an high throne and elevated: and those thinges that were under him filled the temple. 2 Seraphims stoode upon the same: six winges to one, and six winges to the other: with two [1] they covered his face, and with two they covered his feete, and with two they flewe. 3 And they cried one to an other, and sayd: Holie, holie, holie, the Lord God of hostes, al the earth is ful of his glorie. 4 And the lintels of the dores were moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke. 5 And I said: Woe is me because I have held my peace, because I am a man of polluted lippes, and the king the Lord of hostes I have sene with mine eies. 6 And one of the Seraphims flewe to me, and in his hand an hote cole, which he had taken with tonges from the altar. 7 And he touched my mouth, and said: Behold this hath touched thy lippes, and thine iniquitie shal be taken away; & thy sinne shal be cleansed. 8 And I heard the voice of our Lord saying: Whom [2] shal I send? and who shal goe for us? And I sayd: Loe I am here, send me. 9 And he sayd: Goe, and thou shalt say to this people: Heare ye that heare, and understand not: and see vision, and knowe it not, 10 Blinde the hart of this people, and make their eares heavie, and shut their eies: lest perhaps they may see with their eies, and heare with their eares, and

  1. Neither Isaie, nor Moyses, nor anie other mortal man did ever see God in himselfe but only shadowed. Yet the wicked calumniously accused, condemned, and put Isaie to cruel death, upon pretence of blasphemie, for saying that he saw God. Which he otherwise said not, but covered by the wings of the Seraphimes. Origen in bunc locum & S. Jerom Tradi.Hebraicis in Paral.
  2. Isaie was not only an evangelical but also an Apostolical prophet, with whom God here treateth and proceedeth, as with an Apostle, saying: Whom shal I send? and the prophet answering: Send me. God sent him, saying: Goe. &c. S. Jerom in Proxmio Isaie.