Page:Bible Defence of Slavery.djvu/177

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outward skin of Adam? If so, then he was a very mottled looking object indeed, being red, black, and white, confusedly mixed together.

The creation, or infusing of this secreting principle into the blood of Japheth and Ham was miraculous, and no more difficult for the performance of the Divine hand than was the creation of the mucus, which gave the red color to Adam's skin at first.

That a variety of nations has been made out of that one first blood, is the very thing the writer, St. Luke, means, when he says, that God made of one blood all nations, &c. He does not say that all nations, all colors and kinds of people existed primarily in that first blood of Adam, but that out of, or from that blood the other bloods have been produced.

From that scripture, therefore, as we deem, the equality of the negro race with the white race is not made out; as the color, formation, woolly hair, thick skull, pointed posteriors, large foot, pouting lips, wide and flatted nose, low forehead, hollow and compressed temples, narrow monkey shaped waist, wide chest, angular shaped legs, were not, and could not have been, the direct and natural propagation of Adam's blood.

But, says one, if it was God who made this change in the blood of Adam, when he formed those two sons, Japheth and Ham, so that, contrary to nature, Noah and his wife became the parents of two races of men entirely diverse from themselves, how is it that the negro man is not equally honorable with the white man, seeing it was God who was the author of this curious miracle?