Page:Bible Defence of Slavery.djvu/246

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heads, high cheek bones, under jaws which protrude beyond what is common to Africans, very low of stature, and every way entirely horrible to look upon, on account of their extraordinary approximation to the shapes and attitudes of ourang-outangs.

The negroes of Solomon's Islands, in the Pacific Ocean, south latitude 10°, are exceedingly black and cruel; whose chiefs will kill a man, for happening to cross their shadow, so despotic and fierce are they in their anger. They wear around their bodies, as ornaments, strings of human teeth, and other tokens of ferocity and murderous practices. These negroes are cannibals of the worst description, living on human flesh, in preference to all other kinds of meat, which they procure by wars among themselves, and from shipwrecked vessels, which are cast by tempests on these inhospitable and bloody shores.

But from whence came the negroes of those islands of the Pacific Ocean, so far removed from Africa, their native country? We believe them to be descendants of the Cushites, who settled, first of all, and before they went to Africa, along the Persian Gulf, and the Eastern Ocean, from whence they got on to these islands, by various means, where they have remained from that period till the present. The islands of New Hebrides, New Holland, Van Dieman, New Zealand, and Solomon's Islands, with many others, which are inhabited by negroes, lie all along adjacent to the coasts of Asia, so that they were easily reached by these first settlers, of the Ethiopia of that country, before they were conquered and driven out of it by the Shemites, as before stated.