Page:Bible Defence of Slavery.djvu/252

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country of Canaan, to see what kind of people dwelt there; who reported of them, when they returned, that they were monsters, not only in stature, but in practice, for they said, "they eat up the inhabitants." That is, they were cannibals, which frightened the spies nearly out of their wits.

The Carthaginians sacrificed infants to their gods, as well as adult persons. At one time, says Rollin, Vol. i, pages 255 and 272, they burnt two hundred babies, and three hundred grown persons. But whether they eat them after they were roasted, is not related by the historian. This dreadful practice they carried with them, from old Phœnicia or the land of Canaan, as the black nations of Carthage were derived from the blacks of Canaan, page 275 of the above author.

This is a dreadful picture of the ferocity of those early negro nations, who, it appears, not only worshiped the devil, practiced witchcrafts and sorcery, disregarded the marriage rites, murdered, swore false, practiced all kinds of dissimulation, but in addition to all this, they would kill and eat their own children, or any of the weaker inhabitants, the aged, the infirm, prisoners, &c. — all these they would devour as an article of food.

The times alluded to by Solomon, in the book of Wisdom, and by the book of Numbers, as above quoted, was some fifteen and nineteen hundred years B.C. Comparing these facts with the statements of Herodotus on the same subject (see below), we learn that the negro race, more or less, have always been addicted to cannibalism, from the very beginning till