Page:Bible Defence of Slavery.djvu/254

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sion in the woods of that river. For all the particulars of that horrid affair, see the paper entitled "The New World," March 13, 1841.

On comparing the white nations in any, or all the ages of the earth, with the tribes, hordes, and nations of the aboriginal blacks, it is not possible, however far removed from the lights and influences of the true religion, to find such evidences of absolute mental and practical degradation, as is found over the whole earth, among the negro race, whether in a civilized or a savage state. It is impossible to find, in the history of any of the white nations, since the flood of Noah, a community who were absolutely without any knowledge of a God, of law and order, self-government, &c., as we find in all the history of the savage parts of the negro race. Is there on the page of universal history, whether written or traditionary, any account of white men going entirely naked in the woods all their lives; their women and their children having no dwellings better than a cave, a hollow tree, or a hut made of twigs, or some fragile substance; without order, laws, religion, or any kind of refinements whatever? — no knowledge of agriculture or of improvements in any way beyond a wooden spear, a bow and arrows, or some such implement? In such a condition, millions of the negro race are found in all ages of the world, as well as at the present time; but never the white race. Is not this fact an evidence of the radical and abiding difference there is between the races — the blacks and the whites — in relation to mind? In America, however, it is very common for some people to charge the