Page:Bible Defence of Slavery.djvu/338

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the wars of both Greece and Rome against Africa, during several ages? Myriads, no doubt; and all this known as well to St. Paul, and all the New Testament writers, as to the whole world of Asia, in those ages.

If it were true, as abolitionists imagine it is, that the Holy Ghost inspired Isaiah to write against negro slavery, as then practiced in his time upon the Canaanites, the Philistines, the Lybians, the Egyptians, the Ethiopians, and any of the Hamite race; how is it that he did not also inspire St. Paul to write in the same way, and in words as plain as Isaiah has written, according to the perceptions of abolitionists, especially when the apostle was engaged in writing on the very subject of negro slavery, practiced by members of the Christian churches, in the various countries of the Roman empire, and which churches he had planted by his own ministry? had the Holy Ghost become less liberal toward the negro race in St. Paul's time, than in the time of Isaiah?

Nay, nay ; St. Paul, Isaiah, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot, the patriarchs, prophets, judges, elders, kings, rulers and people of the Jews, according to the whole tenor of the Bible, as well as express statements and admissions, whenever they touch on that subject, namely, the subject of negro servitude, allowed this practice without rebuke, as to the principle, admonishing, however, owners only, in matters of treating them well and in a merciful manner. Can the reader fail to feel the force of this second reason?

3d. Isaiah's real meaning, as conveyed in the passages to which we are arguing, is our third reason