Page:Bible Defence of Slavery.djvu/93

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with fiery air in one region, and damp cold fogs in another, the fumes of stagnant morasses and waters, with pestilential winds commingling and pouring their death dealing influences over almost every country; God saw proper, in view of all this, to produce two new races of men, who were adapted in their formation, size, color and constitutions, to this new state of things which was to take place by means of the flood.

If such was not the reason for the Divine procedure, in producing the two new races, then it is hidden from mortal research, and belongs to the unrevealed history of the councils of Heaven, or, at any rate, it is hidden from the penetration of the writer. From the account in the Book of Genesis, we find that the sons of Noah had taken them wives but a little before the flood, as we learn they had no children till after they had made the voyage of that shoreless ocean, and the ark had rested on the mountain Ararat, in Armenia of Asia Minor. The wives they married, as to blood and complexion, were the same with all the antediluvians, red or copper colored women, as there were no others to marry.

Japheth being a blue eyed white man, and Ham a woolly headed, black eyed black man, their children, of necessity, would be of a mixed character in some cases, and in others there would be the likeness sometimes of one parent, and sometimes the likeness of the other. Had the wife of Ham been as black and woolly headed as he was himself, then their race would have been without any marked variation, always woolly headed, both male and female, forever