Page:Bible testimony, on abstinence from the flesh of animals as food.pdf/34

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gence in the pleasures of an overexcited sensation, whether arising from eating flesh or drinking wine? Shall we not be ready "to present our bodies, a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is indeed but our reasonable service?" Shall we not labor with all diligence, by living according to the order of our nature and the commandments of our God, to attain unto that holiness of Spirit, without which no man can see God; and even strive to prepare our very bodies that they may become appropriate 'Temples of the Holy Spirit?' Shall the voice of Humanity, Reason and Christianity plead with us to no purpose?—Shall we continue to make a god of our appetites, and not turn from following the corrupting example of "riotous eaters of flesh?"

Christian Friends, let us endeavor to impress the importance of this subject upon our minds. Let us ever remember that all religion which does not produce its appropriate effect upon the life is futile and useless—mere vanity and vexation of spirit, instead of life, and peace in the Holy Spirit. Let us never forget that one of the most exalted attributes of the Christian, is that of consistency in practical life, with the theoretic principles he professes. It is this which pre-eminently distinguishes the devout and sincere professor, from the common mass of mankind. Let us bear in mind, that to us, most especially my Christian Friends, the world turns for such an example; that to us pure and undefiled religion calls for such a conduct; to the consistency of our practise with the clemency and humanity of our profession, as believers in the Bible Testimony, that it is good neither to eat flesh nor drink wine, bleeding Christianity looks as her only refuge. Let her not look in vain. Stand for the cause of Truth against all the efforts of those 'who live to the flesh.' Stand as the soldiers of your Redeemer, in the blessed armor of the Gospel, with the shield of faith, and the breastplate of righ-