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Sundarami§ra (1613) Natyapradlpa mentioned in DR. intr. P 1.

Trilocanaditya Natyalocana A i. p. 284=2 Mss. and I Com.

Tryambaka Natakadlpa A i. p. 284 = i Ms. and 3 Com. ; by Ramakrsna I.

Vasantaraja Natyasastra mentioned by Mallinatha on Sisupalavadha 2. 8 ; cf. A i. pp. 284, 556.

Viśvanātha Kavirāja.

Sahityadarpana. Manuscripts. A i. p. 715 = 21 Mss. and 4 Com. ; by Mathuranatha Sukla i, by Ramacarana 7 ; A 2. pp. 171, 233 = 3 Mss. and Com. by Anantadasa i, by Rama- carana 2 ; A 3. p. 148 = 5 Mss. and Com. by Ramacarana 2; Hz. 3. 1750.

Text Editions. Sahityadarpana. Edited by Natha Rama. Calcutta, 1828.

Sahityadarpana. The text revised by E. Roer, Calcutta, 185 1.

Sahityadarpana. The Mirror of Composition. Edited and translated by Ballantyne and Mitra. Calcutta, 1875, 2 vols.

Sahityadarpana. Edited by J. Vidyasagara. 1° ed., Calcutta, 1874; 3° ed., 1890, pp. 702 ; 5° ed., 1900, pp. 630.

Sahityadarpana. With a commentary. Annotated and edited by D. Dviveda and K. P. Parab. Bombay, 1902, pp. 644.

Criticism. Alamkaravadartha, a discussion on the Sahityadarpana. A3, p. 7.

2. Works of General Criticism.

Analyse d'un monologue dramatique indien. Paris, 1850.

Das indische Theater. In Globus, 49 (1886), pp. 380-381.

Baumgartner, Alexander. Geschichte der Weltliteratur, vol. 2., 3° ed., Freiburg im Breisgau, 1902, pp. 134-203.

Bloch, Th. Ein griechisches Theater in Indien. In ZDMG. 58 (1904), pp. 455-457.

Bohme, R. Indische Dramatik. In Vossische Zeitung, 1903, Sonntagsbeilage, no. 37.