Page:Bijou 1828.pdf/7

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Is there one who half regal in beauty,
    Would be regal in pearl and in gem;
Let her wreath her a crown of red roses,
    No rubies are equal to them.
Is there one who sits languid and lonely,
    With her fair face bowed down on her hand,
With a pale cheek and glittering eyelash,
    And careless locks 'scaped from their band.

For a lover not worth that eye's tear-drop,
    Not worth that sweet mouth's rosy kiss,
Nor that cheek though 'tis faded to paleness;
    I know not the lover that is.
Let her bind up her beautiful tresses;
    Call her wandering rose back again;
And for one prisoner 'scaping her bondage,
    A hundred shall carry her chain.

Come, gallants, the gay and the graceful,
    With hearts like the light plumes ye wear;
Eyes all but divine light our revel,
    Like the stars in whose beauty they share.
Come ye, for the wine cups are mantling,
    Some clear as the morning's first light;
Others touched with the evening's last crimson,
    Or the blush that may meet ye to night.