Page:Biographical Sketches of Dekkan Poets.djvu/127

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victory, and took possession of his enemy's territories— when the war was over, Krishna Roya forgave Ramlinga his treacherous conduct, and received him again into favor, which, he enjoyed till the day of his death.


Was a native of the Telinga country, and lived in the fourteenth century of Salivahana. In his infancy, he learnt the rudiments of the Telugu language, and as he grew up, studied grammar and versification: when arrived at manhood, he was determined to give his countrymen some work, that should be useful, as well as amusing, and consequently translated the Retta Matam into Telugu verse, the work consists of two books, and comprises a variety of subjects, such as the cycles and periods, the revolutious of the seasons, rain, wind, thunder, lightning and the other phenomena of nature; the climates and various productions of the earth, population, inundations, and droughts, and various other subjects. According to tradition, this poet lived to a good old age, but no authentic account of