Page:Biographical Sketches of Dekkan Poets.djvu/182

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only regained his master's property, but received besides some presents on his own account; after this he Joined Colonel Mackenzie, whom be accompanied to Seringapatam; he was present at the storming and capture of that fortress, and described all the incidents attending it in animated versification: the planting of the British colours on the ramparts, was excellently described. Boriah was well rewarded by his master for this performance. Colonel Mackenzie was shortly after the fall of Tippo Sultan, appointed as superintendent of the Mysore survey; and Boriah attended his master to Chittledroog, by the route of Bangalore, Nijagall, and Sira. He was eminently useful in making arrangements to procure useful information connected with the service, so as to promote considerably the interest of the Hon'ble Company, and procure for his employer an extensive body of literary materials to elucidate the history of the southern Peninsula. When the Maharata chief Doondea was captured at Harihar, by the detachment under Sir Arthur Wellesly in 1800. Boriah wrote a poem on that occasion; after this the poet composed