Page:Biological Agents and Toxins Act 2005.pdf/36

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(6) This section shall not apply to—

(a) any person who has been engaged to transport any Fifth Schedule toxin within Singapore and whose possession of the Fifth Schedule toxin is merely incidental to his transporting it in accordance with such engagement; or
(b) any person who has been engaged to store any Fifth Schedule toxin within Singapore pending—
(i) the delivery of the Fifth Schedule toxin to the person who has procured its import into Singapore; or
(ii) the exportation of the Fifth Schedule toxin from Singapore in the course of transhipment,
and whose possession of the Fifth Schedule toxin is merely incidental to his storing it in accordance with such engagement.

Division 3—Import and transhipment

Prohibition against import or transhipment of Fifth Schedule toxins without permit

32.—(1) No person shall import or procure the import of any Fifth Schedule toxin unless the import of the Fifth Schedule toxin is authorised by and is carried out in accordance with the conditions of a permit granted by the Director.

(2) No person shall tranship any Fifth Schedule toxin unless the transhipment of the Fifth Schedule toxin is authorised by and is carried out in accordance with the conditions of a permit granted by the Director.

(3) For the purposes of subsection (1), no permit to import a Fifth Schedule toxin shall be granted to any person unless he has already been granted an approval to possess the Fifth Schedule toxin as referred to in section 31.

(4) Every permit to import or tranship a Fifth Schedule toxin shall be valid only in respect of one consignment of the Fifth Schedule toxin for which an application for the permit has been made.

(5) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $100,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years or to both.