Page:Biological Agents and Toxins Act 2005.pdf/48

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co-ordinator of the facility pursuant to section 39(6)(b) or (8)(a), he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both.

Division 2—Duties and obligations of carriers of biological agents and toxins


46.—(1) Except as otherwise specified, the duties and obligations specified in this Division shall apply to any carrier, being a person (including a transferor or transferee) who undertakes the transportation in Singapore of—

(a) any First Schedule biological agent;
(b) any Second Schedule biological agent;
(c) any Third Schedule biological agent in quantities aggregating 10 litres or more carried on any conveyance at any one time; or
(d) any Fifth Schedule toxin.

(2) In this Division—

“biological agent” means—
(a) any First Schedule biological agent;
(b) any Second Schedule biological agent; or
(c) any Third Schedule biological agent transported in quantities aggregating 10 litres or more on any conveyance at any one time;
“toxin” means any Fifth Schedule toxin.

Transportation of biological agents and toxins

47.—(1) A carrier shall ensure that there are no unreasonable delays in his transportation of any biological agent or toxin.

(2) The carrier shall ensure that any person employed by him to drive any conveyance for the purpose of transporting biological agents and toxins is trained in the management of accidents involving biohazardous materials.