Page:Biometrika - Volume 6, Issue 1.djvu/6

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The Probable Error of a Mean

By continuing this process we find


according as is even or odd.

But is


and is


Hence if be even,


and if be odd


Hence the equation may be written

( even)


( odd)

where as usual represents the total frequency.

Section II.

To show that there is no correlation between (a) the distance of the mean of a sample from the mean of the population and (b) the standard deviation of a sample with normal distribution.

(1) Clearly positive and negative positions of the mean of the sample are equally likely, and hence there cannot be correlation between the absolute value of the distance of the mean from the mean of the population and the standard deviation, but (2) there might be correlation between the square of the distance and the square of the standard deviation.


and .

Then if , be the mean values of and , we have by the preceding part and .