the conclusion that England is pre-eminently the country of small birds because nowhere else is gamepreserving so general. Only let the latter be carried on with rather more discrimination and humanity, and every naturalist will express his indebtedness to the system.
September1st.—Young Greenfinches of late brood leave the nest.
September„2nd.—Sand Martin still goes to its burrow.
September„3rd.—Brood of young Moorhens not yet able to fly.
September„4th.—Red-backed Shrike last noted.
September„8th.—Blackcap and Garden Warbler last noted.
September„9th.—Common Tern last noted.
September„ 12th.—Corncrake last noted.
September„ 14th.—Swift last noted (exceptionally late).
September„ 16th.—Tree Pipit last noted.
September„ 17th.—Skylark begins to sing again.
September„ 18th.—Common Whitethroat last noted.
Jack Snipe arrives.
September„ 20th.—Song Thrush begins to sing again.
September„ 22nd.—Spotted Flycatcher last noted.
September„ 23rd.—Hedge Sparrow begins to sing again.
Yellow Wagtail last noted.
September„ 24th.—Young Barn Owls still in the nest.