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A most abundant and sociable bird in the spring migra-tion, the Chestnut-sided Warbler becomes shy and retiring in the breeding-season, and in the fall journey keeps well in the protection of the trees.

During the second week of May, 1892, after a storm which had lasted three days, a perfect swarm of Warblers appeared in the garden, among the evergreens and on the walks, and, after arranging their wind-beaten plumage, dispersed to satisfy appetites that seemed to have been tried by a long fast. Upon going to the door about seven o'clock in the morning, I was greatly surprised to see a dozen or more of the Chestnut-sided Warblers, chiefly males, feeding eagerly upon some minute insects that they picked from the gravel, while among them were several Redstarts, mov. ing backward and forward with the airy motion which is peculiarly theirs, and which seems as if they were propelled by a puff of wind rather than their own volition. The Warblers were so fearless, owing to their hunger, that they only moved a few yards away when I went out to see what they were eating. Upon seanning the gravel on the path, I found that it was literally plastered together by myriads of dead ants, which had been drowned out of their hills at the roots of some large trees, and washed down. The same condition obtained in other parts of the garden, and these ants, together with the abundant earth-worms and various seeds in the lawn and many low-flying insects, brought together such a carnival of migrants as I had never before seen outside of the cases of a museum, — Thrushes, Warblers, Flycatchers, and Finches of all descriptions, that seemed to have been swept into the garden shelter by the fury of the storm.

Bay-breasted Warbler: Dendroica castaned.

5.25-5.75 inches.
Above streaked with black and grayish olive. Forehead, cheeks, and sides of head black, enclosing a chestnut patch. Chin, throat, upper breast, and a streak along the sides dull chestnut. Below buffy. White cross-bars on wings and white