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FIELD KEY TO COMMON BIRDS. 79 n. With red in the plumage. 1. Witii ml citi th.' imdur parts. A. Throiit Tiid. a. Length 7"25 inches ; wings and tail black ; rest of plumage bright scarlet ; call-note, chip-chirr ; May to Sept. Scarlet Tanaoek, page 150. b. Length 6-20 inches; dull, pinkish red, wings and tail brownish ; fre- quently seen feeding on buds or blossoms ; call-note, a sharp chink, often uttered during flight ; song, a sweet, flowing warble. PuKPLE FiNcn, page 149. c. Length 6-20 inches; dull red or green tinged with red; mandibles crossed ; generally seen in flocks ; feeds on pine cones. Am. Crossbill, page 147. d. Length 5-30 inches; a red crown-cap; back streaked black and brown ; breast rosy ; feeds on seeds or catkins ; Nov. to Mch. Kedpoll, page 146. B. Throat black. a. Length 8-00 inches; breast rose-red, rest of plumage black and white ; song loud and musical ; call-note, peek ; May to Sept. KosE-BREASTED Grosbeak, page 150. b. Length 8-00 inches ; a conspicuous crest ; region about the base of the bill black ; rest of the plumage and bill red ; song, a clear whistle ; resident from New York city southward. Cardinal, page 153. c. Length 5-40 inches ; wings and tail banded with orange-red, showing conspicuously in flight; movements active; much in the air; tail frequently spread ; haunts woodland ; May to Oct. Redstart, page 169. 2. No red on the under parts. A. Length 9-50 inches; black ; shoulders red; haunts marshes; migrates in flocks; Meh. to Oct Keu-winoed Blackbird, page 132. £. X^ength 5-25 inches : crown-cap red ; chin black ; rest of under parts streaked with blackish ; feeds on seeds and catkins ; Nov. to Mch. Redpoll (im.), page 146. C. Length 4-00 inches; under parts whitish; back olive-green; a ruby crown-patch ; eye-ring white ; movements restless, wings flitted nerv- ously ; call-note, ffitcA ; song remarkably loud and musical; Sept. and Oct.; Apl. and May Ruby-crowned Kinglet, page 182. m. With blue in the plumage. .•/. Lciigtli ll-.")(i inclii's ; a conspicuous crest; upper parts dull blue; under parts whitish ; a black patch on the breast. Blue Jay, page 130. B. Length 7'00 inches; upper parts bright blue; under parts cinnamon- brown Bluebird, page 186. C. Length 5-50 inches ; entire jihimage indigo-blue ; May to Oct. Indigo Bunting, page 152. Z>. Length 13-00; bluish gray; liaunts near water; feeds on flsh, which it catches by darting on them at the surface . Kingfisher, page 114.