Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/141

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Adult male. — Head and neck, all round, plain black or slate-black; rest of upper parts plain chestnut, the tail slightly darker; anterior lesser wing-coverts black (those along margin of wing white), the posterior ones more brownish; outermost feather of alula sometimes edged with white; chest, breast, sides, and abdomen plain blackish slate (rather darker anteriorly, where usually shading gradually into the black of throat, slightly paler, or clearer slate color, posteriorly); flanks, anal region, and under tail-coverts plain chestnut- brown or vandyke brown; bill black; iris brown; bare skin of postocular region and chin sky blue (in life); legs and feet dusky (blackish horn color or dark bluish gray in life); length (skins), 125-143 (133); wing, 65-71 (68.3); tail, 47-51.5 (48.1); culmen, 20-22 (20.7); tarsus, 27-29.5 (27.8); middle toe, 17.5-19.5 (18.2).[1]

Young male {nestling). — Much like the adult male but coloration much duller, the chestnut of back mixed or tinged with sooty brown, the head, neck, and chest sooty blackish or brownish slate-black, and under parts of body mixed sooty brown and tawny brown.

Adult female. — Upper parts as in adult male, but color of back, etc., usually rather lighter, more tawny, chestnut, and less sharply defined against the dusky slate color of pileum and hindneck, which are usually more or less tinged with brown; sides of head, chin, and upper throat slate color, the latter sometimes tinged with tawny brown; lower throat and chest bright tawny-chestnut or rufous- chestnut, passing into russet or tawny-russet on breast and abdomen, the flanks, anal region, and under tail-coverts tawny-brown (between mars brown and russet); bill, etc., as in adult male; length (skins), 131-140 (135); wing, 62-69 (65.7); tail, 44.5-49 (46.8); culmen, 18.5-21.5 (20.1); tarsus, 27-29.5 (28.1); middle toe, 17-18 (17.7).[1]

Pacific slope of Costa Rica (Pozo del Pitál, Rio Naranjo; Pozo Azúl de Pirrís; Pozo del Rio Grande; Pozo de Térraba; El Generál; Paso Reál; Boruca; Buenos Aires; Barranca, Boruca; Las Trojas; Palmár; Lagarto; La Palma de Nicoya; Esparta; San Mateo; San Carlos), and western Panamá (Divala; Bugaba).

Myrmeciza immaculata (not of Sclater and Salvin) Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1870, 195 (Bugaba, Panamá; crit.). — Boucard, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1878, 61 (San Carlos and San Mateo, Costa Rica). — Ridgway, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., v, 1882, 398 (La Palma de Nicoya, Costa Rica; crit.). — Zeledón, Anal. Mus. Nac. Costa Rica, 1887, 115, part (Las Trojas and Pozo Azúl, w. Costa Rica).
Myrmeciza immaculata occidentalis Cherrie, Auk, viii, April, 1891, 191 (Pozo Azúl, s. w. Costa Rica; coll. U. S. Nat. Mus.).

  1. 1.0 1.1 Ten specimens, from Costa Rica.
81255° — Bull. 50—11——8