Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/148

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chin, and throat uniform black, the first with a small central spot of white; band across foreneck and extending thence to hindneck and supra-auricular region and terminal portion of auricular region chestnut, duller laterally; under parts plain deep sooty grayish, darkest on chest (where sometimes strongly tinged with olive), paler on abdomen (where sometimes inclining to buffy whitish), the sides and flanks olive or mixed sooty gray and olive; under tail- coverts light brown (nearly raw-umber), the longer ones mostly blackish, margined terminally with light brown; under wing-coverts buff, broadly tipped with dark sooty brown; inner webs of remiges crossed by a broad band of tawny-buff anterior to their middle portion; bill black; iris brown; legs and feet brownish (in dried skins).

Young. — Essentially like adults but black of throat, etc., replaced by dark sooty brown; chestnut band across foreneck narrow and more or less broken, and general color of under parts more sooty.

Adult male. — Length (skins), 150-181 (173); wing, 87.5-94 (90.6); tail, 50-55 (52.9); culmen, 20.5-22 (21.2); tarsus, 30.5-33 (31.7); middle toe, 19-21 (20).[1]

Adult female. — Length (skins), 155-175 (167); wing, 85.5-92.5 (89.2); tail, 51-56 (53.5); culmen, 20-21 (20.7); tarsus, 30-33 (31.3); middle toe, 20.[2]

Southeastern Mexico, in States of Vera Cruz (Córdova; Playa Vicente; Cerro de la Defensa; Atoyác; Motzorongo; Buena Vista), Oaxaca (mountains near Santo Domingo) and Tabasco (Teapa) and Guatemala (Choctúm; Chiséc; Cobán; sources of Rio de la Pasión; Kampamác; Tactíc; Nehaj, Quiché).

Formicarius moniliger Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1856, 294 (Córdova, Vera Cruz, Mexico; coll. A. Sallé, now in coll. Brit. Mus.) ; 1858, 278, part (Vera Cruz); 1859, 383 (Playa Vicente, Vera Cruz); Cat. Am. Birds, 1862, 191 (Oaxaca); Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., xv, 1890, 303, part (Córdova, Vera Cruz; Oaxaca; sources Rio de la Pasión and Choctúm, Guatemala). — Salvin, Ibis, 1861, 353 (Chiséc, centr. Guatemala); Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, ,75 (Mexico; Guatemala; monogr.). — Sumichrast, Mem. Bost. Soc. N. H., i, 1869,556 (hot region Vera Cruz, up to 800 m.; habits; notes); La Naturaleza, v, 1881, 248 (do.). — Salvin

  1. Nine specimens.
  2. Three specimens.
    Locality. Wing. Tall. Culmen. Tarsus. Middle
    Eight adult males from southeastern Mexico 90.8 53.2 21.3 31.9 20
    One adult male from Guatemala 89 50 21 30.5 19.5
    Two adult females from southeastern Mexico 87.5 52.3 20.7 30 20
    One adult female from Guatemala 92.5 56 20 33 20