Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/183

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Hylopezus dives Carriker, Ann. Carnegie Mus., vi, 1910, 628 (Costa Rica).
Grallaricula perspicillata (not Grallaria perspicillata Lawrence) Sclater, Ibis, 1873, 373 (Chontales, Nicai'agua).



Adults (sexes alike). — Pileum and hindneck plain slate color, passing into light olive on forehead, the feathers sometimes with very narrow and indistinct shaft-streaks of paler; rest of upper parts olive, the scapulars and interscapulars with more or less distinct mesial (usually guttate) streaks of buff, these sometimes margined with blackish; general color of wings rather browner olive than back, etc., the wing-coverts with terminal (usually triangular) spots of buff or ochraceous, outer web of exterior feather of alula buff, the outer webs of primaries with a basal area of dull ochraceous followed by a space of olive, the remaining portion pale ochraceous-brown; a broad and conspicuous orbital ring of buff or ochraceous-buff; lores buff, with, middle portion (vertically) black or dusky; suborbital region and anterior portion of auricular region buff, the former barred or flecked with black; auricular region (except lower-anterior portion) olive, with narrow shaft-streaks of buff; malar region and under parts white, the chest, breast (except median portion), and sides broadly streaked with black and tinged or suffused with buff, the flanks olive with indistinct broad streaks or flammulations of pale yellowish buff; under tail-coverts buff; under wing-coverts and broad edgings to inner web of remiges bright ochraceous or ochraceous- buff, the coverts near edge of wing more or less streaked with dusky; maxilla dark brown, usually paler terminally; mandible pale dull yellowish (in dried skins), brownish terminally; iris light brown;[1] legs and feet light brownish (in dried skins).

Adult male. — Length, (skins), 118-129 (125); wing, 77.5-82.5 (79.9); tail, 26.5-30 (28.7); culmen, 18-20 (18.8); tarsus, 34-37.5 (35.2); middle toe, 16-18.5 (17.1).[2]

Adult female. — Length (skins), 125-126 (125.5); wing, 78-79.5 (78.7); tail, 28-30 (29); culmen, 19; tarsus, 34-36.5 (35.2); middle toe, 16.5-18 (17.4).[3]

Panamá (Lion Hill; Panamá; Natá, Coclé; Divala; Santa Fé de Verágua; Santiago de Verágua; Mina de Chorcha; Volcán de Chiriquí).

Grallaria perspicilleta Lawrence, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., vii, 1862, 303, 326 (Lion Hill, Panamá; coll. G. N. Lawrence). — Sclater and Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 357 (Lion Hill). — Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1867, 146 (Santa Fé and Santiago de Verágua, Panamá); 1870, 196 (Volcán de Chiriquí and Mina de Chorcha, Panamá). — Sclater, Ibis, 1877,

  1. Heyde, manuscript.
  2. Five specimens.
  3. Four specimens.