Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/197

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Adults (seres alike). — Above plain deep vandyke brown, the feathers of pileum very indistinctly margined with dusky; tail darker brown, passing into blackish brown terminally; chin and throat white, the feathers broadly margined with dusky (at least on lower throat), producing a squamate effect; rest of under parts bister or sepia brown, brighter, more tawny, brown on chest, where the feathers are paler centrally and have a narrow shaft-streak of light tawny; under wing-coverts pale brownish gray or grayish brown, narrowly margined with dusky; bill black or blackish brown, the basal portion dull whitish or yellowish (in dried skins); iris brown; legs and feet dusky horn color to brownish black (in dried skins).

Young. — Essentially like adults but chin and throat darker, streaked rather than squamated with dusky and with ground color pale brown or brownish gray instead of white, and color of chest less tawny (nearly mummy brown).

Adult male. — Length (skins), 150-181 (164); wing, 85.5-92 (88.7); tail, 57-66.5 (60.9); culmen, 21-25 (22.7); tarsus, 20.5-23 (22); middle toe, 17-19.5 (18.2).[1]

Adult female. — Length (skins), 148-165 (157); wing, 83-91 (86.9); tail, 54.5-59.5 (57.6); culmen, 21.5-23.5 (22.4); tarsus, 21-23 (21.9); middle toe, 18-19.5 (18.3).[2]

  1. Eighteen specimens.
  2. Ten specimens.
    Locality. Wing. Tall. Culmen. Tarsus. Middle
    One adult male from Tabasco, Mexico 87 21.5 22 18.5
    Three adult males from Honduras 89.7 61.5 23 21.8 18.7
    Two adult males from British Honduras 90.5 61.2 22 21.7 18.2
    One adult male from Nicaragua 90 61 22 20.5 18
    Ten adult males from Costa Rica 88.5 57.5 23 21.5 18
    One adult male from Panamá 85 57.5 23 21.5 18
    One adult female from Guatemala 86.5 58 22 21 18
    One adult female from Honduras 89.5 58.5 22.5 21.5 18.5
    One adult female from British Honduras 91 59 23 22.5 19
    Five adult females from Costa Rica 86.9 57.1 22.7 22 18.5
    Two adult females from Panamá 84 57.5 21.7 22 18.2