Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/236

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brown, the primary-coverts dusky terminally and primaries passing into grayish brown or dusky at tips; tail clear chestnut; broad orbital ring and supra-auricular stripe buff or ochraceous-buff; lores mostly dusky or dark grayish, paler and more buffy (sometimes distinctly buffy) along upper margin; auricular region dusky, more or less broadly streaked with paler (except along upper portion) and with very narrow shaft-streaks of buffy, this dusky auricular area passing, in a more or less well-defined stripe, to the anterior portion of the malar region; chin and throat, together with middle and posterior portions of malar region, pale yellowish buff or cream-buff, the feathers of lower throat narrowly margined, more or less distinctly, with dusky; rest of under parts plain light buffy brown (sometimes approaching wood brown but more yellowish or ciimamomeous), passing into darker brown (between raw-umber and isabella color) on flanks, the under tail-coverts more rufescent; under wing-coverts and broad edgings to inner webs of remiges ochraceous-buff; maxilla dusky horn color, paler toward tomium; mandible paler, whitish on gonys (broadly); iris brown; legs and feet horn color (in dried skins).

Adult male. — Length (skins), 151-167 (160); wing, 78.5-91 (89.8); tail, 64-75 (70.4); culmen, 15.5-17.5 (16.5); tarsus, 18-20 (19.1); middle toe, 14-16 (15.1).[1]

Adult female. — Length (skins), 146-160 (154); wing, 76-88.5 (81.2); tail, 63-72 (65.8); culmen, 14.5-17.5 (16.1); tarsus, 17.5-19.5 (18.7); middle toe, 14.5-16 (15).[2]

Southern Mexico, in States of Vera Cruz (Córdova; Jalapa; Uvero; Omealca; Motzorongo), Guerrero (Omilteme), Oaxaca (Choapám; Totóntepec), and Chiapas (Tumbalá; Chicharros), Guatemala (Barranca

Honda; Savana Grande; Choctúm), Costa Rica (San Marcos;

  1. Twenty-one specimens.
  2. Thirteen specimens.
    Locality. Wing. Tall. Culmen. Tarsus. Middle
    Two adult males from Vera Cruz, Mexico 87.5 71.7 16.7 19.2 14.7
    Four adult males from Guerrero, Mexico 87.5 70.7 16.5 19.4 15.2
    Two adult males from Chiapas, Mexico 83 67.5 16 18.7 15
    Two adult males from Guatemala 86.7 70.5 16.7 19 14.7
    Five adult males from Costa Rica 83.7 68.7 16 18.8 15.2
    Six adult males from western Panamá (Chiriquí) 88.7 72.2 16.9 19.2 15.2
    Two adult females from Guerrero, Mexico 81.5 65 16.7 18.5 15.5
    Eight adult females from Costa Rica 81 65.3 15.7 18.7 14.9
    Three adult females from western Panamá (Chiriquí) 81.7 67.7 16.8 18.7 15