Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/247

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Oaxaca; Cobán and Choctúm, Guatemala). — Bangs, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., xxxix, 1903, 150 (Yaruca, Honduras).

[Automolus] cervinigularis Sclater aud Salvin, Nom. Av. Neotr., 1873, 65, part. — Sharpe, Hand-List, iii, 1901, 67, part.
[Ipoborus] cervinigularis Heine and Reichenow, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. Orn., 1890, 134 (Mexico).
[Philydor] cervinigularis Gray, Hand-list, i, 1869, 172, no. 2321.
Auiomolus pallidigularis (not of Lawrence) Nutting, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vi, 1884, 404 (Los Sabálos, Nicaragua). — Ridgway, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xiv, 1891, 471 (Santa Ana, Honduras). — Richmond, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xvi, 1S93, 497 (Rio Escondido, Nicaragua; habits; crit.).



Similar to A. c. cervinigularis but coloration decidedly darker, especially under parts of the body, which are Isabella color medially darkening laterally into deep buffy olive, contrasting strongly and abruptly with, the buff or ochraceous-buff of chin and throat.

Adul male. — Length (skins), 168-189 (181); wing, 88-94 (91.7); tail, 70-76.5 (72.9); culmen, 22-25 (23.6); tarsus, 22.5-25 (23.2); middle toe, 18-20 (18.8).[1]

Adult female. — Length (skins), 167-185 (176); wing, 83.5-89 (85.3); tail, 64.5-75 (69.6); culmen, 21.5-24 (22.8); tarsus, 22-24 (23.3); middle toe, 17.5-19.5 (18).[1]

Caribbean slope of Costa Rica (Angostura; Sipúrio; Talamanca; Rio Sícsola; Pacuare; Rio Reventazón; Jiménez; Carrillo; Tucurríqui; La Balsa; Guayabo; Guápiles; Cuábre; El Hogár; Peralta; Turrialba; Cariblanco de Sarapiquí; La Vijágua); western Panamá (Santa Fé de Verágua; Boquete de Chitra)?

Automolus cervinigularis (not Anabates cervinigularis Sclater) Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1867, 143 (Santa Fé de Verágua, Panamá). — Lawrence, Ann. Lyc. N. Y., viii, 1868, 106 (Angostura, Costa Rica). — Frantzius, Journ. für Orn., 1869, 304 (Costa Rica). — Zeledon, Anal. Mus. Nac. Costa Rica, i, 1887, 113, part (Rio Súcio and Jiménez, Costa Rica). — Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., XV, 1890, 91, part (Tucurríqui and La Balsa, Costa Rica; Santa Fé de Verágua, except specimen n.). — Salvin and Godman, Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, ii, 1891, 158, part (Tucurríqui, Angostura, and La Balsa, Costa Rica; Boquete de Chitra and Santa Fé de Verágua, Panamá).
[Automolus] cervinigularis Sclater and Salvin, Nom. Av. Neotr., 1873, 65, part. — Sharpe, Hand-list, iii, 1901, 67, part.
Automolus cervinigularis hypophæus Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., xxii, April 17, 1909, 72 (Rio Reventazón at Guayabo Station, Costa Rica; coll. U. S. Nat. Mus.). — Carriker, Ann. Carnegie Mus., vi, 1910, 640 (Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica, up to about 2,000 ft. ; habits; descr. nest and eggs). — Ferry, Pub. 146, Field Mus. N. H., orn. ser., i, no. 6, 1910, 270 (Guayabo, Costa Rica).

  1. 1.0 1.1 Ten specimens.