Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/48

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(skins), 154-189 (165); wing, 70-78 (74); tail, 63-73.5 (67.3); culmen, 22-25 (23.4); tarsus, 24-25.5 (24.8); middle toe, 15-16 (15.5).[1]

Adult female. — Forehead pale buff to tawny-buff, barred with black; rest of pileum cinnamon-rufous or rufous-chestnut, usually with some of the feathers more or less distinctly barred or margined terminally with black or dusky; rest of upper parts black, or sooty black, broadly and sharply barred with buff or tawny-buff, the bars on rectrices narrower, more or less curved, and more brownish; sides of head and neck and entire under parts pale buff to tawny- buff or nearly clay color,[2] narrowly barred with black or sooty black, the bars usually narrower on chin, throat, and abdomen; bill, iris, legs, and feet as in adult male; length (skins), 149-175 (169); wing, 71-78 (74); tail, 65-72.5 (69.2); culmen, 21-25 (22.6); tarsus, 24-26 (25); middle toe, 14-16 (15.3).[3]

Immature male. — Similar to the adult female (perhaps not always distinguishable) but under parts less conspicuously barred, the chin, throat, and abdomen nearly immaculate buff; iris reddish brown.[4]

Nicaragua (Rio Escondido; Los Sábalos), Costa Rica (Angostura; Sipúrio; Jiménez; Rio Frio; Rio Súcio; Bonilla; Guayabo; Carrillo; Cuábre; El Hogár; San Carlos; La Cristina; La Vijágua), and Panamá (Santa Fé de Verágua; Mina de Chorcha; Calovévora;

Calobre; Santiago de Verágua; Lion Hill; Panamá; Pintada, Coclé;

  1. Twenty specimens.
  2. Sometimes the color approaches huffy white on sides of head, chin, and throat.
  3. Twenty specimens.
    Locality. Wing. Tail. Culmen. Tarsus. Middle
    Three adult males from Nicaragua 76.2 68.7 23.7 25 15.5
    Ten adult males from Costa Rica 74.4 67.9 23.8 24.8 15.7
    Two adult males (C. l. lineatus) from Venezuela 74 68 21.5 25.2 15
    One adult male (C. l. lineatus) from British Guiana 75 71 24.5 25 15.5
    Six adult males (C. l. lineatus) from Lower Amazon 73.2 72.2 22.8 25.1 15.2
    74.6 69.6 23.2 25.9 15.7
    Ten adult females from Costa Rica 74.6 70 22.1 24.7 15.3
    Six adult females from Panamá 72.6 67.6 23.1 24.7 15
    Two adult females (C. l. lineatus) from Venezuela 74.5 67.5 22.2 24 15.2
    Two adult females (C. l. lineatus) from Cayenne 74 71.2 22.7 24.2 15.5
    One adult female (C. l. lineatus) from Lower Amazon 75.5 71.5 23.5 27 15.5

    The specimen from Ecuadór agrees much better in coloration with examples from Panamá than with true C. lineatus.

  4. Heyde, manuscript.