Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/54

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yellowish white, usually flecked, more or less, with dusky; inner webs of remiges broadly edged (except terminally) with yellowish white; bill black; iris brown; legs and feet dusky (plumbeous in life); length (skins), 150-167 (157); wing, 72-80 (74.9); tail, 62-71 (67.5); culmen, 20-22.5 (21.4); tarsus, 21-23.5 (22.4); middle toe, 13.5-14.5 (13.9).[1]

Adult female. — Head and neck black narrowly streaked with white, the streaks much broader (sometimes spot-like) on chin and throat; back, scapulars, rump, and upper tail-coverts plain sepia brown to slaty brown, the feathers of back slightly darker centrally; wings and tail darker (the tail brownish black or blackish brown), all, or nearly all, the wing-coverts marked with a small roundish or triangular terminal spot of white; under parts, posterior to throat or upper chest, varying from nearly slate-gray to olive-drab, the pectoral region streaked with white; under tail-coverts deeper brown, narrowly streaked (sometimes also somewhat spotted) with white; under wing-coverts and broad edgings to inner webs of remiges yellowish white or pale creamy yellow; maxilla black, mandible paler (plumbeous in life); iris dark brown or brownish gray; legs and feet plumbeous; length (skms), 148-166 (157); wing, 70-77 (72.9); tail, 60-70.5 (66.7); culmen, 19.5-22 (20.7); tarsus, 21-23.5 (22.4); middle toe, 13-15 (14).[2]

Young male (first plumage). — Similar to the adult male but texture of plumage much softer, black of back, etc., duller, and chest with narrow shaft-streaks of white.

Young female (first plumage). — Similar to adult female but duller in color, with black of head and neck replaced by dark sooty brown above and paler sooty brown below, and streaks much less distinct, those on pileum pale brownish or tinged with brown, instead of pure white, those of pectoral area broader but much less distinct and also suffused with pale brownish.

Southwestern Costa Rica (Pozo Azúl de Pirrís; Pozo del Pitál,

Rio Naranjo; El Pozo de Térraba; Trojas de Rio Grande; El

  1. Nineteen specimens.
  2. Eighteen specimens
    Locality. Wing. Tail. Culmen. Tarsus. Middle
    Ten adult males from Costa Rica 75.8 68.6 21.3 22.1 13.9
    Nine adult males from western Panamá 74 66.3 21.6 22.7 13.9
    Ten adult females from Costa Rica 73.4 67.8 20.6 22.5 14.1
    Eight adult females from western Panamá 72.3 65.3 20.8 22.2 13.9