Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/61

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much shorter than tarsus; outer toe, without claw, reaching to beyond middle of subterminal phalanx of middle toe, the inner toe decidedly shorter; hallux about as long as inner toe but much stouter; basal phalanx of middle toe wholly united to outer toe, united for about half its length to inner toe; claws strongly curved, much compressed, that of the hallux decidedly shorter than its digit. Plumage full, lax, and blended, that of the rump much lengthened and fluffy; feathers of pileum elongated, especially on occiput, forming a distinct decumbent crest.

Coloration. — Adult males with head, neck, chest, and median portion of breast (usually of abdomen also) uniform black, the sides and flanks white or light gray; wings and tail black varied with white, the back brown or grayish, or black with a large concealed patch of white; adult females olive-brown to tawny-brown above, the wings dusky varied with buffy or whitish, the pileum blackish or rufescent; under parts plain buffy (more whitish on throat and abdomen).

Range. — Northern Colombia to Cayenne, southeastern Brazil, Bolivia, and northern Peru. (About seven species.)



Adult male. — Pileum (including well-developed occipital crest) black, the forehead (sometimes crown also) streaked with white; back, scapulars, and rump plain cinnamon or russet, the scapulars and interscapulars with indistinct narrow mesial streaks of darker; outer row of scapulars dark brown, broadly edged with white; wing- coverts and tertials brownish black, all the former conspicuously tipped with white, the latter broadly edged with white or buffy white; secondaries and primaries dusky grayish brown (dark hair brown), the secondaries and inner primaries edged with light brown, the outer primaries edged with whitish; tail black, the rectrices broadly tipped with white, the exterior pair with outer web white (except basally); sides of head barred with black and white; chin, throat, and median portion of chest black, this sometimes continued, narrowly or brokenly, along the median line of breast, the feathers of chin and throat tipped with white; median under parts (except where occupied by the black gular-jugular area, white; lateral under parts pale gray anteriorly, passing into light cinnamon or clay color posteriorly; under wing-coverts and broad edgings to inner webs of remiges white or buffy white; maxilla brownish black, mandible sometimes more brownish (bluish gray in life ?) ; legs and feet horn color (in dried skins); wing, 69-75 (72); culmen, 18-20 (19); tarsus, 27-27.5 (27.2); middle toe, 14.5-16 (15.2).[1]

  1. Two specimens.
81255° — Bull. 50—11——3