Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/66

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to ochraceous-buff; rest of under parts plain deep buff to nearly ochraceous-buff (or between ochraceous-buff and clay color); length (skins), 134-155 (147); wing, 67-71 (68.6); tail, 54-59 (56.3); culmen, 17-20 (18.7); tarsus, 25-27 (26.1); middle toe, 15-16.5 (15.8).[1]

  1. Eight specimens from Panamá (mainland). The series examined from Panamá comprises three adult males in dark, heavily barred plumage, like the type, and ten which are more or less decidedly lighter in color, some of them indistinguishable, so far as I am able to see, from Colombian examples labeled Thamnophilus albicans. In fact, unless there are two forms of the species in Panamá, which is hardly probable, the individual variation in this species is much greater than in T. doliatus, which is reasonably constant within definite geographic areas. At present I have neither the material nor time necessary for more satisfactorily working out the problem, which, judging from the material examined, is a very complicated one. The following measurements of specimens belonging to the radiatus group are given below for comparison with those of Panamá examples:
    Locality. Wing. Tail. Culmen. Tarsus. Middle
    Thirteen adult males (T. radiatus nigricristatus) from Panamá mainland 70.2 56.8 18.3 26.7 16.4
    Three adult males (T. radiatus nigricristatus?) from San Miguél Island 73.3 57.8 18.8 26.6 16.2
    One adult male (T. radiatus nigricristatus?) from Cartagena, Colombia 70.5 57 18 27 16
    One adult male (T. radiatus nigricristatus?) from Santa Marta, Colombia 71.5 53 18.5 26 16
    Four adult males (T. radiatus albicans?) from Bogotá, Colombia 75.5 61.7 19.4 26 15.8
    Six adult males (T. radiatus subradiatus) from Upper Amazons 72.7 59.4 18.5 26.3 15.6
    One adult male (T. radiatus -?) from Lower Amazons 78 64 19 25.5 17
    One adult male (T. radiatus difficilis) from Goyaz, Brazil 74 64 19 27 16
    Four adult males (T. radiatus capistratus) from Bahia, Brazil 77 65 18.5 26.5 16
    Ten adult males (T. radiatus radiatus) from southern Brazil and Paraguay 74.1 63.8 17.6 26.6 15.8
    Eight adult females from Panamá (mainland) 68.6 56.3 18.7 26.1 15.8
    Five adult females from San Miguél Island 72.4 56.9 18.3 26.6 15.5
    One adult female from Cartagena, Colombia 67 52.5 18 26.5 15
    One adult female from Bonda, Santa Marta, Colombia 72.5 60 19.5 27.5 15.5
    One adult female from Bogotá, Colombia 73.5 59 18.5 28 16
    Three adult females from Upper Amazons 70.5 58.2 19.2 26.2 16.2
    One adult female from Ceara, Brazil 75 62 17.5 27 16
    One adult female from Goyaz, Brazil 73.5 61.5 18 27 15.5
    One adult female from Bahia, Brazil 72 63 17.5 23.5 14.5
    Two adult females from Chapada, Mattogrosso, Brazil 71.2 62.7 18 26.3 16