Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/88

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Adult female. — Pileum pale cinnamon to russet, more or less distinctly streaked with dusky; back, scapulars, rump, and upper tail coverts plain olive; tail brownish olive or olive-brown; general color of wings olive (paler on edges of primaries), the lesser and middle wing-coverts darker (sometimes blackish), each with a terminal spot of buff, the greater coverts with a buffy spot on tip of outer web; auricular region olive or buffy grayish, very narrowly streaked with whitish or buffy; suborbital and malar regions pale buffy, barred or flecked with dusky; chin and throat dull buffy whitish, usually with more or less distinct narrow streaks of dusky; rest of under parts buff (more or less deep) medially, this passing into olive on sides and flanks, the chest sometimes streaked with dusky; under wing-coverts mostly pale buff or dull buffy whitish, the inner webs of remiges broadly edged with the same; maxilla dusky brown, mandible dull whitish (in dried skins); legs and feet horn color (in dried skins); length (skins), 97-112 (103); wing, 56-60.5 (58.2); tail, 29-35.5 (32.2); culmen, 14.5-16.5 (15.4); tarsus, 18-21 (19.6); middle toe, 11-12.5 (11.9).[1]

Immature male. — Similar to the adult female but grayer above and more whitish beneath.

Costa Rica (Angostura; Talamanca; San Carlos; La Balsa; Dos Novillos; Siquirres; Guácimo; Guápiles; El Hogár; Carillo; La Christina; Rio Reventazón; Rio Sícsola; Miravalles; La Vijágua).

Dysithamnus striaticeps Lawrence, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., viii, May, 1867, 130 (Angostura, Costa Rica; colL U. S. Nat. Mus.); ix, 1868, 107 (do.).— Frantzius, Journ. für Orn., 1869, 305 (Costa Rica). — Boucard, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1878, 60 (San Carlos, Costa Rica). — Zeledón, Anal. Mus. Nac. Costa Rica, 1887, 115 (Angostura, Costa Rica). — Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., XV, 1890, 223 ("Valza," i. e.. La Balsa, Costa Rica). — Salvin and Godman, Biol. Centr.-Am., ii, 1892, 208. — Underwood, Ibis, 1896, 440 (Volcan de Miravalles, Costa Rica). — Carriker, Ann. Carnegie Mus., vi, 1910, 606 (Caribbean foothills, 800-1,500 ft., Costa Rica; habits; descr. nest and eggs).
[Dysithamnus] striaticeps Sclater and Salvin, Nom. A v. Neotr., 1873, 70. — Sharpe, Hand-list, iii, 1901, 19.


Myrmotherula Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1858, 234. (Type, Muscicapa pygmsea Gmelin.)
Myrmotherium (emendation) Cabanis and Heine, Mus. Hein., ii, July, 1859, 12, footnote.

Very small Formicariidæ (length less than 100 mm.) with bill slender, nearly as long as head, tail less than two-thirds (sometimes less than half) as long as wing, and plumage either conspicuously streaked or else mostly uniform gray or slate color.

Bill slender, depressed, nearly as long as head, its width at frontal antiæ very much greater than its depth at same point, and equal to

about half the distance from nostril to tip of maxilla or less; culmen

  1. Ten specimens.