Page:Birks of Aberfeldy.pdf/3

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and rising, weets wi' misty showers
The Birks of Aberfeldy.
Bonny lassie &c.

Let Fortune's gifts at random flee,
They ne'er shall draw a wish frae me,
Supremely blest with love and thee,
In the Birks of Aberfeldy.
Bonny lassie &c.


The wind blew hie o'er muir and lea,
and dark and stormy grew the weather,
The rain rain'd sair, nae shelter near,
But my love's plaid amang the heather.


O my bonny highland laddie,
My winsome weelfar'd highland laddie
Wha wad mind the wind and rain,
Sae weel row't in his tartan plaidie.

Close to his breast he held me fast
Sae cozy, warm, we lay thegither;
Nae summer heat was half sae sweet,
As my love's plaid amang the heather.
O my bonny &c.