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1839. Birmingham Police. Cap. 88. 635

herein-after specified, or as shall be from Time to Time directed by one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, for the more effectual Administration of the Police within the said Borough, notwithstanding that he may not have such Qualification by Estate as is required in the Case of other Persons being Justices of the Peace for a County; and Her Majesty may remove the said Commissioner, if she shall see Occasion so to do; and upon any Vacancy in the said Office by Death, Removal, or otherwise, during the Continuance of this Act, another fit Person shall be appointed to be Commissioner of Police of the said Borough and Justice of the Peace as aforesaid, instead of the Person by whom the Vacancy was made, and by the same Authority: Provided always, that no such Commissioner shall act as a Justice of the Peace of any Court of Sessions of the Peace, or in any Manner out of Sessions, except for the Preservation of the Peace, the Prevention of Crimes, the Detection and Committal of Offenders, and in carrying into execution the Purposes of this Act

Commissioner to take the following Oath.

III. And be it enacted, That every such Commissioner, before he shall begin to execute the Duties his Office, shall take the following Oath before Two Justices of the Borough of Birmingham, or of any of the above-mentioned Counties; that is to say,)

I A. B. do swear, That I will faithfully and honestly, without Fear or Favour, according to the best of my Skill and Knowledge, execute all the Powers and Duties of the Commissioner of Police of the Borough of Birmingham, under an Act passed in the Third Year of the Reign of Queen Victoria, intituled [here insert the Title of this Act.]'

Salary of the Chief Commissioner.

IV. And be it enacted, That an annual Salary not exceeding Eight hundred Pounds shall be paid quarterly to the Chief Commissioner appointed by Her Majesty as aforesaid, out of the Rates herein-after mentioned.

Police Force to be appointed for the whole Borough.

V. And be it enacted, That a sufficient Number of fit and able Men shall from Time to Time, by the Directions of One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, be appointed by the said Commissioner as a Police Force for the whole of the Borough of Birmingham, who shall be sworn in by the said Commissioner to act as Constables for preserving the Peace, and preventing Robberies and other Felonies, and apprehending Offenders against the Peace; and the Men so sworn shall, not only within the said Borough, but also within the Counties of Warwick, Worcester, Salop, and Stafford, and within all Liberties therein, have all such Powers, Authorities, Privileges, and Advantages, and be liable to all such Duties and Responsibilities, as any Constable duly appointed has or hereafter may have within his Constable wick by virtue of the Common Law of this Realm, or of any Statute made or to be made, and shall obey all such lawful Commands as they may from Time to Time receive from the said Commissioner for conducting themselves in the Execution of their Office.

VI. And