Page:Birnbaum Haggadah.pdf/105

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91 The Passover Haggadah ADDIR HU

Glorious and mighty he is; May he build his temple very soon. 0 God, build thy temple speedily.

Chosen, great and foremost he is; May he build his temple very soon. O God, build thy temple speedily.

Splendid, guiltless and pure he is; May he build his temple very soon. 0 God, build thy temple speedily.

Kindly, faultless, unique he is; May he build his temple very soon. O God, build thy temple speedily.

Potent, wise, supreme King he is; May he build his temple very soon. O God, build thy temple speedily.

Revered and exalted he is; May he build his temple very soon. O God, build thy temple speedily.

Redeeming, just, holy he is; May he build his temple very soon. O God, build thy temple specdily.

Merciful, Almighty he is; May he build his temple very soon, 0 God, build thy temple speedily.

wi PIR, an alphabetical acrostic, is of unknown authorship. Its well- known tune has been popular since the beginning of the seventeenth century (Idelsohn, Jewish Music, page 174). The central thought expressed in this poem is the speedy restoration of Isracl, �