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85 The Passover Haggadah On the second night: THIS IS THE FEAST OF PESAH. Thy wondrous powers didst thou wield on Pesah;

Supreme above all feasts didst thou make Pesah; Thou didst show Abraham the midnight of Pes:

This is the feast of Pesah.

To his door didst thou come at noon on Pesal; With matzoth he feasted angels on Pesah; To the herd he ran for the ox on Pesah;

This is the feast of Pesah.

The cursed men of Sodom were burned on Pesal;

Lot was saved, he baked matzoth on Pesah;

Thou didst sweep Egypt when passing on Pesah; This is the feast of Pesah.

Lord, every firstborn thou didst smite on Pesah; But thy firstborn thou didst spare by the Pesah; No evil entered Israel’s homes on Pesah;

This is the feast of Pesah.

my b> pena that is, Pesal is first mentioned among the festivals in Leviticus 23:44, According to Baba Bathra 15a, Abraham was known as one7ma RX (Psalm 89:1). ox gleaming beings (Ezekiel 1:7). Jay 7w> 731 nop alluding to the festive sacrifice «amin offered by the pilgrims on erev ADK mynr (Genesis 19:3). nkbxv is reminiscent of the expression sweep it with a broom of destruction” (Isaiah 14:23). 9m and 93 (Hosea 9:6; Isaiah 19:13) are known as Memphis, an important Egyptian city; twenty pyramids and the sphinx present the most impressive memorials of its former greatness.

TR 9 ww is equivalent to yw MRA ¥3, that is, every firstborn son; com- pare Genesis 49:3. yy ond ‘by is the phrase in Judges 7:13, where we are told that Gideon overheard one Midianite telling his comrade: “T had a dream; there was a barley-cake rolling into the camp of Midian; it reached one tent and turned it upside down!” 1y>1 bw and ‘rmayb ama ova” are from Isaiah 61:19; 10:32. nys instead of ayan, �