Page:Bischofs Waerferth von Worcester Übersetzung der Dialoge Gregors des grossen.djvu/43

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⁊ heawan. ac hwæðre þa hors, þeah þe hie mid þam swipum geswungene wæron ⁊ mid þam spurum geblodgode wæron, þehweðre hi of þam stedum þa hors astyrian ne adrifan ne mihton, ⁊ swa swiðe hi þære ea wætres hryne heom ondredon, efne swa swa hit sum deaþes plyht oððe scyfe wære. ⁊ þa þa onsittendan þara horsa mid langum geþersce heora hors geswencton, ða wæs an in ðam herge, se þe ongæt ⁊ oncneow, þæt hi for þam gylte gehindrode wæron, þe hi þone Godes man ær on wege his horses bereafedon ⁊ hine his siðes agældon. hi þe sona eft cyrdon æfter him ⁊ hine Libertinum astrehtne in his gebede gemetton, ⁊ hi þa to him cwædon: 'aris ⁊ nim þin hors!' be þa heom andsweriende þus to cwæð: 'gangað ge ⁊ his mid gode gebrucað, forþon ic þæs horses þearfe nabbe' ⁊ hi þa sona lihton ⁊ hine mid nyde upp ahofon ⁊ on his agen hors asetton ⁊ eft hraðe fram him gewiton. ⁊ þa heora hors mid swa hræde ryne þa ea oferferdon, þa þe hi ær oferferan ne mihton, efne swa (6a) swa seo ea in hire nænigne wætres stream hæfde. ⁊ swa hit gelamp, þæt, þa þam


heawan ⁊ wundian, oð þat hy ungesundlice geswencede wæren. ac þeah þa hors wæron mid swipum swiðe geswungene mid þam spurum mistucode, hy swa þeah of þam stedum hy astyrian ne mihton, ac swa swiðe hi þære ea wæteres hrine him ondredon, swilce hit wære sum deaðes scyfe. þa þa onsittendas þara horsa mid langum geþersce hyra hors geswencton, þa ongeat ⁊ oncneow hyra an, þæt hy gehindrode wæron for þam gylte, þe hi þone Godes man ær on wege his horses bereafeden ⁊ hine his siþes agældon, hi þa sona eft gecyrdon æfter his ⁊ hine Libertinum gemetton on his gebed astrehtne. hi cwædon þa to him: ‘aris ⁊ nim þin hors!’ he him andswarode þus: 'farað ge teala ⁊ his wel brucað; nis me þæs horses nan neod.’ 'hi þa sona lihton ⁊ hine neadlunga ahofon up on þæt hors, þe hi hine ær of awurpon, ⁊ hrædlice him þanon gewiton. ⁊ hyra hors þa mid swa hrædlicum ryne oferferdon þa ea, þe hy ær oferfaran ne mihton, efne swilce seo ea on hyre næfde nænne wæteres stream. ⁊ wæs swa geworden, þæt, þa þam

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