Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1017

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to real property. See Frierlley v. Hamilton 17 Hz. & R. (Pa.) 71. 17 Am. Dec. 63?: astiiiero v. U. S., 2 Black, 109. 17 L. Ed. 360.

REGIUS PROFESSOR. A royal professor or reader of lectures founded in the English universities by the king. Henry VIII. founded in each of the universities five professorships. viz., of divinity. Greek. Hebrew, law, and physio. Cowell.

REGLAMIINTO. In Spanish colonial l-1w. A written instruction given by a competent nuthority, without the observance of ally peculiar form. Schm. Civil Law, Introd. 93. note.

REGNAI. YEARS. Statutes of the British parliament are usually cited by the name and year of the sovereign in whose reign they were enacted, and the successive years of the reign of any king or queen are denominated the "regnai years."

REGNANT. One having authority as a king; one in the exercise of royal authority.

REGNI POPULI. A name given to the people of Surrey and Sussex, and on the sea- consts of Hampshire. Biount.

REGNUM ECCLESIASTICUM. The ecclesiastical kingdom. ‘.2 Hale, P. C. 324. Begnum non eat divisibile. CD. Litt. 185. The kingdom is not divisible.

REGEANT. In the English law of real property, when, after a person has made a grant, the property granted comes hack to him, (c. 1]., by escheat or forfeiture.) and he grants it again. he is said to regrant it. The phrase is chiefly used in the law of copy- holds.

REGRATING. In old English law. The offense of buying or getting into one's hands at a fair or market any provisions, corn, or other dead victuni, with the intention of selling the same again in the same fair or market, or in some other within four miles thereof, at a higher price. The oi1‘end- or was termed a "regrator." 3 inst 195. Scc Forsyih Mfg. Co. v. Castien. 112 Ga. 199. 37 S. E. 485. 81 Am. St. Rep. '28.

REGRESS. is used principally in the phrase "free entry, egress, and regress" but it is also used to signify the re-entry of II person who has been disseised of land. Co. Liti 318i).

REGULA. Lat. In practice. A rule. Rcgula _r7em-rala's, a general rule; a standing rule or order of a court. Frequently ab- lxrevinted, "Rey. Gen."

—Regula Cntoninna. In Roman law. Tile rule of _('ato. A rule respecting the validity of dispositions by will. See Dig. 34, 7.

Bl.Law Dict.(2d Ed.)—64

Reguln eat, jnris quidem ignorantinm unique nocere, faeti vero ignorantinm non nocere. Cod. 1, 18. 10. It is a rule, that every one is prejudiced by his igno- rance of law, but not by his ignorance or fact.

REGULE GENERALES. Lat. General rnles, which the courts promulgate from time to time for the regulation of their practice.

REGULAR. According to rule; as distinguished from that which violates the rule or follows no rule.

According to rule; as opposed to- that which constitutes an exception to the rule or is not within the rule. See Zuiich v. Bow- man, 42 P: . 87; Myers v. Rnshack, 4 How. Prac. (N. Y.) 85.

As to regular "Clergy," "Deposit," "Election," "Indorsemeut." "Meeting." "Navigation." "Proeess," "Session," and "Term," see those titles.

Regulariter non valet pactum do re men nun aliennnda. C0. Litt. 2.3. It is a rule that a compact not to alienate my property is not binding.

REGULABS. Those who profess and follow a certain rule of life. (reg/ula_.) be- long to a religious order, and ohserve the three approved vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Wharton.

REGULATE. The power to regulate commerce. vested in congress. is the power to prescribe the rules by nhlch it shall be governed, that is, the conditions upon which it shall be conducted, to determine when it shall he free, and when subject to duties or other emotions. The power also embraces within its control all the instrumentalities by which that commerce may be carried on, and the means by which it may be aided and ecnouraged Gioucester Ferry Co. v. I'ennsyi- vania. 114 U. S. 196. 5 Sup. Ct. 826, 29 L Ed. 158. And see Gibbons v. Ogden, 9 Wheat. 227. 6 L. Ed. 23: Gilman v. Phiiarlslphia, 3 Wall. 7'24, IS L. Ed. 96; Weiton v. Missouri. 91 U. S. ‘.779 23 L. Fd. 347: Lelsy v. H:11'dl'11. 135 U. S. 100. 10 Sup. Ct. 681. 34 L. Ed. 12c; Kavanaugh v. Southern R. Co., 120 Ga. 62. 47 S. E. 526.

REGULATION. The act of regulating: a rule or order prescribed for management or government; a regulating principle; a precept. See Curry v. Marvin, 2 Fla. 415: Ames v. Union Pac. Ry. CO. (C. C.) 64 Fed 178; Hunt v. Lambertvilie, 45 N. J. Law. 282.

REGULUS. Lat. In Saxon law. A title sometimes given to the earl or comes, in old charters. Spelman.