Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1042

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njion the account of the reve or hatlifl of the manor. Spel. Feuds, c. 24.

It]-JVELS. Sports of dancing, mashing, etc., formerly used in princes‘ courts, the inns of court, and nohlemen's houses. commonly performed by night. There was an officer to order and supervise them, who was entitled the "master of the revels." Cowell.

R1-Iv]-INDICATION. In the civil law.

The right of a vendor to reclaim goods

out of the possession of the purchaser, where

the price was not paid. Story, Confi. Laws,

§ 401. See Beneilict v. Schaettle, 12 Ohio

St. 520: Ellis v. Davis, 109 U. S. 485, 3 Sup. Ct. 327, 27 L. Ed. 1006.

REVENUE. As applied to the income of a government, this is a hrozid and general term, including all public moncys which the state collects and receives. from whatever source and in whatever manner. U. S. v. Broiiiley, 12 How. 99, 13 L. Ed. 905; State v. School Fund Com'rs, 4 Kim. 268; Fletcher v. Oliver, 25 Ark. 295.

It also designates the income of an indi- vidual or private corporation

—-Public revenue. The revenue of the government of the state or nation; sometimes, per- haps, that of a i:nunicipaiit_y'.—R.evenne law. Any law which provides for the assessment and (-olicl no iii’ in tax to defray the expenses of the goreinnirnl is a revenue law. ‘such legislation is commonly referred to under the general term "revenue measure " and those measures include ail the inns by which the garernmmt iroiides menus for meeting its cvpenditures.

vyton v. s. loolw. 173, Fed. Cas. No. 11,- 'I.'he1\'ashviiie.17 Fed. Cos. 1178, Twin C .'at. Bank v. Nebeker. 3 App. D. C. 190.- Revenue side of the excheqner. That juri diction of the court of exchequer, or of the ex- cheqner di ision of the high court of justice, by which it --zccrtains and enfurlcs the proprietary rights of the crown against the subjects of the realm. The practice in revenue cases is not affected by the orders rind rules under the judicature act of 1875. liioziey &, Whitley.

REV]-IRSAL. The nniuilling or making void ti judgment on account of some error or lirregularity. Usually spoken of the action of an appellate court.

In international law. A declaration by which a suveieign promises that he will oh- serwe a certain order nr certain conditions, which have lieen once estuhltshed, notwith- standing any changes that may happen to ('flilSe a deviation therefrom. Bouvicr.

REVERSE. REVERSED. A tarm fre- quently used in the judgments of an appellate court. in disposing of the case before it. It then means "to set aside: to annui: to va- cate." Laithe v. McDonald, 7 Kan. 25-1-.

REV]-JRSER. In Scotch law. The pro- prietor of an estate who grants a wndset (or mortgage) of his lande, and who has a right.



on repayment of the money advanced to him, to be repiaced in his right. Bell. REVERSIBLE ERROR.

REVERSIO. L. Lat. In old English law. The returning of land to the donor Fiem, lib. 8, cc. 10, 12.

See Enron.

Ileversin ten-rs: est tnnqnum terra revertens in possessions donate:-i, aiva haex-edilaus auis past donun-i I1-.n.itrun. Co. Lltt. 1-12. A reversion of land is, as it were. the return of the land to the possession or the donor or his heirs after the termination of the estate granted.

REVERSION. In real property law. A re\ ersion is the residue of an esiate left by operation of law in the grantor or his heirs, or in the heirs of a testator, com- mencing in possession on the determination of a particular estate granted or devised. Hmv. St. Mich. 1832, § 5528; Civ. Code Cal. 5 768; 2 Bl. Comm. 175. And see Bnrhcr v. Bruudage, 50 App. Div. 123, 03 N. Y. Supp. 347; Payn v. Beal. 4 Demo (N. Y.) 411; Powell v. Railroad Co._ 16 Or. 33. 16 Pac. 863, 8 Am. St. Rep. 251; Wingnte v James. 121 Ind. 69. 22 N. E. 735: Byrne v. Weller, 81 Ark. 366, 33 S. W. 421.

When a person has an interest in lands. rind grants a portion of that interest, or, in other terms, It less estate than he has in himself, the possession of those lands shall, on the determi- nation of the granted interest or estate, return or revert to the grantor. This interest is what is crrlied the "grantor's reversion." or, more properly, his "right of reierter." which, how- ever, is deemcvl an actual estate in the land. Watk. Conv. 16.

ere an estate is derived, by grant or other- wise. out of a larger one, leaving in the original owner an ulterior estate immerliateiy expectant on that which is so derived, the ulterior interest is called the "reversion." 1 Staph. Comm. 290.

A reversion is the l'i»‘Sidll(§ of an estrite left in the grnntor, to commence in possession after the determination of some particular estate: \\‘l.llle u rc1riu.imIer is an estate limited to take effect and he cnjoyed after another estate is d_eieri:uined. Todd v. Jackson, 26 N. J. Low, 52.).

In personalty. "Reversion" is also used to denote a reversionary interest; e. g., an interest in personal property subject to the life interest of some other person.

In Scotch law. A reversion is a right of redeeming landed property which has been either mortgaged or adjudicated to secure the payment of a debt. In the former case. the reversion is called "conventional;" in the latter case. it is called "legal;" and the period of seven years allowed for redemption is called the "legal." Bell; Paterson.

—Legal reversion. In Scotch law. The period within which a proprietor is at liberty to redeem land adjudged from him for debt.

REVERSIONARY. That Which is to be enjoyed in reversion. —Revex-sinnary interest. The interest

nhirh a person has in the reversion of l.'lildS_ or other property. A right to the future enjoy-