Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1045

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comprehended tour gavels_ and every gavel had four rhandirs, and four houses or tene

ments constituted every rhundir. Tayi. Hist. Gur. 69.

RHODIAN LAWS. This, the earliest

code or collection of maritime laws, was forinulilted by the people of the island of lihodes, who, by their commercial prosperity and the superiority of their navies, had ac- quired the soiereignty of the seas. Its date is very uncertain, but is supposed (by Kent and othein) to be about 900 B. C. Nothing of it is now extant except the article on jettison, which has been pr ‘ rved in the Roman collections. (Dig. 14, 2. ‘Leo Itlioiliu do Jizc-tu.") Another code. under the same name, was pub- lished in more modern times, but i general« ly considered, by the best anthoiities, to be spurious. See Schomherg, Mar. Laws Rhodes. 3'1. 33: 3 Kent, Comm. 3, 4; Azuni. Mur. Law, 265-296.

RIAL. A piece of gold coin current for 10.9., in the reign of Henry V1,, at which time there were hnlf—i-lals and quarter-rials or risitnrthings. In the beginning of Queen Elizabeth's reign. golden rials were coined nt 155. a piece; and in the time of James I, there were rose-rials of gold at 805, and spur-rials

at 155. Lown. Essay Coins, 38.

RIBAUD. A rogue; vagrant: whoremonger: a person given to all manner of wickedness. Cowell.

RIBBONMEN. Associations or secret socicties formed in Ireland, having for their object the dispossession of landlords by murder and fire-raising. Wharton.

RICHARD ROE, otherwise TROUBLESOME. The casual ejector and flctitious defendunt in ejectment, whose services are no longer involved.

RICOHOME. Span. In Spanish law. A

nobleman; a count or haron. 1 White, Re cap. 36.

RIDER. A rider, or rider-roll, signifies

a schedule or small piece of parchment annexed to some p.nt of a roll or record. It is frequently familiarly used for any kind of a schedule or writing annexed to a document which cannot well be incorporated in the body of such docuinent. Thus, in passing hills through a legislature, when a new clause is added after the hill has passed through committee. such new clause is termed I1 "rider" Brown. See, also. Cowell: Bl-aunt; 2 Tidd. Pr. 730; Com. v. Barnett, 199 Pa. 161, 48 Atl. 976, 55 L. R. A. 882.


RIDGLING. A half-castrated horse. Brisco v. State, 4 Tex. App. 221, 80 Am. Rep. 162.

RIDING ARMED. In English law. The offense of riding or going armed with Clan- gerous or unusual weapons is a misdemezinor tending to disturb the public peace by tel» rifylng the good people of the land. 4 Steph. Comm. 357.

RIDING CLERK. In English law. One of the six clerks in chancery who, in his turn for one year, kept the controlment books of all grants that passed the great se.-ii. 'ihe six clerks were superseded by the clerks of records and writa.

RIDINGS, (corrupted from trithings.) The names of the parts or divisions of York shire, which, of course, are three only, via., East Riding, North Riding, and West Riding.

RIEN. L. Fr. Nothing. It appears in II. tew law French phrases.

—Rien only. In u1d_pleading. —B.ie3i_dit. In aid pleading. Says nothing, (mi 1iimt.)—Rie_n luy doit. In old pleading. Ones him nothing. The plea of nil dcbet.-— Z_B.iens en arrere. I\'oLhing in arrear. A plea in an arlinn or debt for nrrearnges of account. C‘unell.—B.ienn lonr denst. Not their debt. The old form of the plea of ail debct. 2 Reeve, l:§ng._Liiw, 332.—Rienn palsa per le t' 1\olliin-,; passed by the deed. A plea by vrhiih 11 party might mold the operation of a deed, wbir had been enrolled or fl(‘ki.]0V\lP(lg(‘(] in court, the plea of non est factum not being allowed in Sl](iJ case.—Riens per rlisccnt. Nothing by dtscent. The plea of an heir. nhere he is sued for his nnr-1.-star's debt, and has no land from him by descent, or assets in his hands. Cro. Car. 151; 1 Tidd, Pr. 6&3; 2 Tiild. Pr. 937.

Not guilty.

RIER COUNTY. In old English law. After-county; i. 9., after the end of the county court A time and place appointed by the sherilf for the receipt of the king's money after the end of his county, or county court. Cowell.

RIFLETUM. Acoppice or thicket. Cow- ell. RIGA. In old European law. A species

of service and tribute rendered to their lords by agricultural tenants. Supposed by Spel- ni.-in to be derived from the name of a certain portion of land, called, in England, a "rig" or "ridge."' an elevated piece of lzround. formed out of several furrow. Burrill.

RIGGING THE MARKET. A term or the stock-exchange, denoting the practice 0!‘ iiifinting the price of ghen stocks, or enhancing their quoted value, by a system of pretended purchases. designed to give the air at an unusual demand for such stocks. See L. It 13 Eq. 447.

RIGHT. As a noun, and taken in an ab- sfraot sense, the term means justice, ethical correctness, or consonnnce with the rules at law or the principles of morals. In this sig-