Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1052

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ROGARE. Lat. In Roman law. To ask or solicit. lcogm-e leycm, to ask for the adoption of .1 law, i. e., to [)r'0p05e It for enactment, to hrlng in a bill. In a derivative sense, to vote for zi law so proposed; to adopt or eunct it.

Lat. In Roman low. An a proposal of a. law for Derlvafively, a law

ROGATIO. usking for a iziw: adoption or passhlge. passed by such a form.

ROGATIO TESTIUM, in Dlllkiflg a nucnupative will, is" where the testator torm- ally calls upon the persons present to bear witness that he has declared his will. Wil-' Ex‘rs, 110; Browne. Proh. Pr. 59.

ROGATION WEEK. In English ecclesi- astical iznv. The second week before Whit- sunday, thus called from three tests observed therein, the Monday, ruesdsy, and Wednes- day, called "Rogation days," because of the extraordinary prayers then made for the fruits of the earth, or as a preparation for tire devotion of holy Thursday. Wharton.

Rogatinncs, qnaastiones, et positional debcnt ease simpliees. Hob. 143. De.» mauds, questions, and claims ought to be simpie.

ROGATOR. Lat. In Roman law. The proposer of a law or rogation.

ROGATORY LETTERS. A commlslon from one judge to another requesting him to examine a "itness. See LE'1‘1‘EB.

ROGO. Lat. In Roman law. I ask; I request. A premtory expression often used in wiils. Dig. 30, I08, 13, 14.

ROGUE. In English criminal law. An

idle and disorderly person; a trickster; a wandering beg:',:ir; ti vagrant or Vagabond. 4 Bl. Comm. 169.

ROLE n’f.QUrr>AG1:. In French’ mer- cantlla law. The list of a ship's crew; ti muster roli.

ROLL. A Schedule of parchment which may he turned up vsith the hand in the form of a pipe or tube. Jacnb.

A schedule or sheet of parchment on which iegal proceedings are entered. Thus, in English practice, the roll of parchment on which the issue is entered is termed the "issue ro1L" So the roiis of a manor, wherein the names, rents, and services of the tenants are copied and enrolled, are termed the "Court rolls." There are also various other rolls; as those which contain the records of the court of chant-ery, those which contain the registers of the proceedings of old parliaments, called "rolis of pzirliiment," etc. Brown.

In English practice, there were formerly a great variety of these rolls, appropriated to the different proceedings; such as the warnmt uf attorney roli, the process roii, the recnmmance roll, the impmlimcc roll, ’the plea. roll, the issue roll, the judgnwnt roll, the wire facing roll, and the roli or‘: proceedings on writs of error. 2 Tidd, Fr. 72:), 730.

In modern practice, the term is sometimes used to denote a record of the proceedings of a court or public office. Thus, the "judgment roll" is the tile or‘: records comprising the pleadings in a case, and all the other proceedings up to the judgment, arranged in order. In this sense the use of the word has survived its appropriateness; for such ree- ords are no longer prepared in the form of a roll.

—1-_lssessment roll. In taxation, the list or roll of taxable persons and pro; rt completed, verified, and deposited by the a on. Ban

V. Genoa, 28 Misc. Rep. 7], 09 Y. Supp. $2‘); Adams v. Brennan, 72 Miss. 89%. 18 South. -lS2.—Jndgrne'nt 1-all. See £‘lI[1rIl.— Master of the rolls. See l\IASTFR.—B.o1.ll of parliament. The manuscript registers of the proceedings of old pariiriments; in these rolls are likewise a great many deci (ms of difficuit points of km‘, which were frequently. in former times, referred to the deternrinsuon of this supreme court by the judges of both bonehes. etc.— of the excheqner. There are severai in this court rciu ting to the revenue at t_he country.—Enlls of the temple. In Elig- rrsh isw. In each of the two Terupics is a roli cailed the "chives-head roil," wherein every bs.-nt-her, barrister, and student is taxed yunrly; also meals to the cook until other officers of the houses, in consideration of a dinner or ¢r.ri\'es- head, provided in Easter term. Orig. Jur. l'. . —l'l.oI.1.l niflce of the clinneery. In Eu_ law. An office in Chancery Lane. Lou . which contains rolis and records of the high court of chsncery, the master "hereof is the second person in the chant-ery. etc. The rd"-i court was there held, the master of the rolls sitting as judge: and that judge still sits Ihere as a jud e of the Chancery division of the hi_'h court o justice Whartou.—'I‘a.x roll. A scheduie or list of the persons and property sub- ject to the payment of a ]')'ll'til‘|‘lIl'll‘ tux. uitb the amounls severally dne, prrpared nuil authenticated in proper form to warrant the onliet-ting officers to proceed with the ('l]fO!‘l‘Pm(‘l.‘l

of the tax. Bnhrnck v. Beaver Creek Ti)-. 134 Mich. 601. 31 N. W. 423 Kan. 139, 71 Pac. 249.

Smith v. Scully, 66

ROLLING STOCK. The portable or mov-

abie appui-atiis and machinery of a rsli- 1'0il(1. particuiarly such as moves on the r=o'ifl. viz., engines, cars, tenders, C(l.r(‘llt.'S, and trucks. See Br-.irds1ey v. Ontario B.-ink. 31 Barb. (N. Y.) 635; Ohio & M. R Co. v. Weher. 96 Iil. 448; Pittsburgh, etc., R. Co. v. Backus, 154 U. S. 4fl, 14 Sup. CL L114. 38 L. Ed. 1031. —Ro1ling stock protection act. The art of 35 & 36 Vict. 1-. 50, passed to protect the 1'O"lIlE stock of railways from distress or suie in certain cases.

ROMA I-‘EDITIE. Lat Pligriuis that tron-.-lrd to Rome on foot.

ROMAN CATHOLIC CHARITIES ACT. The statute 23 & 24 Vict. c. 134. pruuuiing ti method for enjoying estates giien upon