Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1056

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RUNCINUS. In aid gllsh law. A load-horse; a sumpter-horse or cart-horse.

RUNDLIYI, or RUNLET. A measure or uine, oil, etc., containing eighteen gallons 0 and a half. Cowell.

RUNNING ACCOUNT. An open unsettled nccount, ns distinguished from a stated and liquidated account. "Running accounts

mean mutual accounts and reciprocal demands between the parties, which accounts and demands remain open and unsettled." Brarlaenridge v. Baltzell. 1 Ind. 335; Leonard v. U. S., 18 Ct. C1. 385: Picker v. Fitzelle, 2S App. Div. 519, 51 N. Y. Supp. 205.

RUNNING AT LARGE. This term is applied to wandering or straying annuals.

RUNNING DAYS. Days counted in

their regular succession on the calendar, in-

cluding Sundays and holidays. Brown v.

Johnson, 10 Mees. S: W. 334; Crowell v. Bar-

redo. 16 Gray (Mass) 472; Davis v. Pendergast, 7 Fed. Cas. 162.

RUNNING LEASE. Where a lease provided that the tenancy should not be confined to any portion of the land granted, but allowed the tenant the use of all the land he could clear, it was c lied in the old books a "running lease" as d1 tinguished from one confined to a particular division, circumscribed by metes and bounds, within a larger tract. Cowan v. Hatcher (Tenn. Ch. App.) 59 S. W. 691.

RUNNING 0F THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS. A metaphorical expression, by which is meant that the time mentioned in the statute or limitations is considered as passing. 1 Bouv. Inst. no. 861.

RUNNING POLICY. A running policy is one which contemplates successive insurances, and which provides that the object '01‘ the policy m.1y be from time to time defined, especially as to the subjects at insur- ance, by additional statements or lndorsements. Cir Code Cal. § 2597. And see Corporation of London Assurance v. Paterson, 10h Ga. 5.58, 32 S. E. 650.

RUNNING WITH THE LAND. A cov- Ell.I.lJI‘. is sold to run with the land when either the liability to perform it or the right to take advant.1;;e of it passes to the assignee of that land. Brown

RUNNING WITH THE REV]-JRSION. A covenant is said to "ruin with the reversion" When either the liability to perform it or the tight to take advantage of it



passes to the assignee of that reversion. Brown.

RUNRIG LANDS. Lands in Scotland where the ridges of a field belong alternatively to different proprietors. Ancientiy this kind of possession was advantageous in giving a united interest to tenants to resist inroads. By the act of 1695. c. 23, a division of these lands was authorized, with the ex- ception of lands beiomlng to corporations. Wharton.

RUPEL‘. A silver coin of India. rated at 2s, for the current, and 2s. 3d, for the Bombay, rupee.

R ‘II I-‘ T ‘II M. Lat. Broken. A term applied to a will. 17, 3.

In the civil law. Inst 2,

RURAL DEANERY. The circuit of an archdeacon‘s and rural dean's jurisdictions. Every rural deanery is divided into parishes. See 1 Steph. Comm. 117.

RURAL DEANS. In English ecclesiastical law. Very ancient officers of the church, almost grown out of use. until about the middle of the present century, about which time they were generally revived. whose denneries are as an ecclesiastical di- vilon of the diocese or archdeaconry. They are deputies or the bishop, planted all round his diocese, to inspect the conduct of the parochial clergv. to inquire into and report dilapirlations, and to examine candidates for confirmation, armed in minute!‘ matters with an inferior degree of judicial and coercive authority. Wharton.

RURAL SEEVITUDE. In the civil law. A servitude annexed to a rural estate, (pr1sdx'um rustic-um.)

RUSE DE GUERRE. war; a stratagem.

Fr. A trick in

RUSTICI. Lat In feuds] law. fives of a conquered country.

In old. English law. Inferior country tenants, churls, or choris, who held cottages and lands by the services of plowing, and other labors of agriculture, for the lord. Cowell.


RUSTICUM FORUM. Lat A rude. un- learned, or uniettered tribunal; a term sometimes applied to arbitrators selected by the parties to settle a dispute. See Underhill v. Van Cortlandt. 2 Johns. Ch. (N. Y.) 339; Dickinson v. Chesapeake 8: O. R, 00., 7 W. Va. 429.

RUSTICUM JUDICIUM. Lat. In maritime law. A rough or rude judgment or decision. A judgment in admiralty dividing