Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1058

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S. As an abbreviation, this letter stands for "section," "statute," and various other Words of which it is the initial.

5. B. An abbreviation for "senate bill."

S. C. An abbreviation for "same case" Inserted between two citations, it indicates that the some case is reported in both places. It is also on abbreviation for "supreme court," and for "select cases;" also for "South Carolina."

5. D. An abbreviation for "southern district." S. 1:‘. S. An abbreviation in the civil law

for "sine frlmde sun," (without fraud on his part) Calvin.

S. 1.. An abbreviation for "session [or statute] laws."

5. P. An abbreviation of "nine prole," without issue. Also an abbreviation of "same principle," or "same point," indicating, when inserted between two citations, that the second involves the same doctrine as the first.

S. V. An abbreviation for "sub wee," under the word; used in references to dictionaries, and other works arranged alphabetically.

SABBATH. One of the names of the first day of the week; more properly coiled "Sunday," (q. v.) See State v. Drake, 64 N. G. 591; Gunn v. State, 89 Ga. 341, 15 S. E. 458.

'—Sabbath—breaking. The offense of violating the laws prescribed for the observance of Sunday. State v. Baltimore 8: O. Ii. Co., 15 W. Va. 381, 36 Am. Rep. 803; State v. Popp, 45 Md. 433.

SABBATUM. L. Lot The Sabbath; also peace. Domesday.

SABBULONARIUM. A gravel pit, or liberty to dig gravel and sand; money paid for the same. Cowell.

SABINIANS. A sdiool or sect of Roman jurists, under the early empire, founded by Ateius Cupito, -who was succeeded by M. Salnlnus, from whom the name.

SABLE. The heraldic term for black. It is called "Saturn," by those who hlazon by planets, and "dlamond," by those who use the names of jeweis. Engravers com- mouiy represent it by numerous perpendicu- lar and horizontal lines, crossing each other. Wharton.

SABURRA. law. Baiiast.

L. Lat. In old maritime




SAC. In old English law. A liberty of holding pie-as; the jurisdiction of a manor court: the privilege claimed by a lord of trying actions of trespass between his tenants. in his manor court, and imposing lines and amercisvnents in the same.

SACABURTH, SACABERE, SARA- BERE. In old English law. He that Is robbed, or by theft deprived of his money or goods, and puts in surety to prosecute the reion with fresh suit. Bract. fol. 154D.

SACCABOR. in old English law. The person from whom a thing had been stolen. and by whom the thief was freshly pursued. Bract. fol. 15412. See SACAEITBTB.

SACCULARII. Lat In Roman law.

Cutpurses. 4 Steph. Comm. 125.

SACCUS. IL Lat. In old English law. A sack. A quantity of wool weighing thirty or twenty-eight stone. I<‘let:1. l. 2, c. 70. § 10.

SACCUS CUM BROCIIIA. L. Lat. In old English law. A service or tenure of finding: a sack and a brooch (pitcher) to the sovereign for the use of the army. B1-act. 1. 2. c. 16.

SACQUIER. In maritime law. The name of on ancient officer, whose business was to ioad and unload vessels laden with salt, corn, or fish. to prevent the ship's crew defrauding the merchant by raise taie or cheating him of his merchandise otherwise. Laws Oleron. art. 11; 1 Pet. Adm. Append. 25.

SACRA. Lat In Roman Law. The right to participate in the sacred rites of the city But]. lior. Jur. 27.

SACRAMENTALES. L. Lat. In feudal law. Compurgators; persons who came to purge a defendant by their oath that they beiieved him innocent

SACRAMENTI ACTIO. Lat In the oider practice of the Roman law. This was one or the forms of legis actio, consisting in the deposit of a stake or jurid.l(-ai wager. See SACBAMENTUM.

SACRAMIINTIIII. Lat. In Roman law. An oath, as being: a very sacred thing; more particuiariy, the oath taken by soldiers to be true to their general and their country Ainsw. Lex.

In one of the formal methods of beginning an action at law (legis ectianas) known to the early Roman juiisprudeuce, the surrumentum was a sum or money deposited in court by each of the litigating; parties, as a kind of wager or forfeit, to abide the re-