Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1064

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SANITARY AUTHORITIES. In English law. Bodies having jurisdiction over their respective districts in regard to sewer- age, drainage, scavenging, the supply or water, the prevention of nuisances and offensive trades, etc., all of which come under the head of "sanitary matters" in the special sense of the word. Sanitary authorities also have jurisdiction in matters coming under the head of "local government" Sweet.

SANITY. Sound understanding; the reverse of insanity, (q. 11.)

SANS CEO QUE. L. Fl‘. See Assqun Hoe.

Without this.

SANS FRAIS. Fr. Without expense. See Rnroun Sans Pnornr.

SANS IMPEACHMENT DE WAST. L. Fr. Without impeachment of waste. Litt. § 152 See Ansqun IMPETITIONE Vasrx.

SANS JOUR. Fr. Without day; sine die.

SANS NOMBRI-I. Fr. A term used in relation to the right of putting animals on a common. The term "common sans nambre" dues not mean that the beasts are to be innumerable, but only indefinite; not certain. Willes, 227.

SANS RECOURS. Fr. Without recourse. See Inooasnnnnr.

Snpiens ineipit a fine, at quad primum est in intentione, ultimum est in exe- eutione. A wise man begins with the last, and what is first in intention is last in execution. 10 Cake, 25.

Snplenn nmnla aglt cum cnnsilin. A wise man does everything advisediy. 4 Inst. 4.

Sspientin legiu nummm-in pretio non est mstimundn. The wisdom of the law cannot be valued by money. Jenk. Gent. 168.

Sapieutil judiais out eogitare tnnhun lib-i esse perlnissum. quantum commis- aum et creditum. It is the part of a wise judge to think that a thing is permitted to him, only so far as it is committed and intlusted to IIIIJJ. 4 Inst. 163. That is. he should keep his jurisdiction within the limits of his commission.

SARCULATURA. L. Int. In aid records. Weeding corn. A tenant's service or weeding for the lord. Cowell.

SART. In old English law. A piece of woodland, turned into arable. Cowell.

SARUM. In old records. The city of Salisbury in England. Spelman.



SASINI-1. In Scotch law. The symbolicai delivery of land, answering to the livery of seistn of the old English law. 4 Kent, Comm. 459.

SASS]-I. In old English law. A kind or wear with flood—gatcs. most commonly in cut rivers, for the shutting up and letting out of water, as occasion rcqui.rc(l, for the more ready passing of boats and i)ar;,'es to and fro; a lock; a turnpike; a sluice. Cow- ell.

SASSONS. The corruption of Saxons. A name of contempt formerly given to the English, while they afiected to be called "Angles;" they are still so called by the Welsh.

SATISDARE. Lat In the Cifil law. To guaranty the obligation of a principal.

SATISDATIO. Lat In the civil law. Security given by a party to an action, as by a defendant, to pay what might be adjudged against him. Inst 4, 11; 3 Bl. Comm. 291.

SATISFACTION. The act of satisfyfiig a party by paying what is due to him. (as on a mortgage, lien, or contract) or what is awarded to him, by the judgment of a court or otherwise. Thus, a judgment is satisfied by the payment of the amount due to the party who has recovered such judgment, or by his levying the amount. See llli.i.ier v. Beck, 108 Iowa, 575. 79 N. W. 34-}: Rivers v. mom, 163 Me. 442. (33 s. W. 81, Mazycli v. Col], 3 Rich. Law (S. 0.) 236: Green V. Green, 49 Ind. 423; Bryant v. Fairfleid. 51 Me. 152; Armour Bros. Banking Co. v. Addington. 1 Ind. _'1‘. 304. 37 S. W. 100.

In practice. An entry made on the record, by which a party in whose favor a judgment was rendered declares that he has been satisfied and paid.

In equity. The doctrine of satisfaction in equity is somewhat analogous to perform- ance in equity, bnt differs from it in this respect: that satiefnciion is always something given either in whole or in part as a snhstitute or equivalent for something else, and not (as in performance) something that may be construed as the identical thing covenanted to be done. Brown. —Satisfaetion piece. In practice. A mem- orandum ll] writing, entitled ll] :1 cause, stating that satisfaction is acknowindgxd between the parties, plaintiff and defendant‘ Upon this being duly acknowledged and filed in the office where the record of the judgment is, the judgment becomes satisfied, and the defendant discharged from it. 1 Archb. Pr. 722.

Satisfaction should be made to that fund which has sustained the Inn. 4 Bonv. Inst. no 3731.

